Marking The Shloshim Of Rabbi Miki Mark HY’D

1The children of Rabbi Miki Mark HY”D, who was murdered in a drive-by shooting near Otniel a month ago, visited the kever of their father on Monday 26 Tammuz to mark the shloshim. They children asked reporters to get their message out to the world, that their father was murdered in a terrorist attack and one of the terrorists was a member of the PA (Palestinian Authority) law enforcement community. The second terrorist, a known Hamas affiliate who was imprisoned and released by Israel in the Shalit prisoner exchange deal.

They explained on the one hand, PA leader Abu Mazen is presented as a ‘peace broker’ while he heads a terrorist organization. “This is the reality” they explain, “as was proven in the past. The PA leadership is made up of representatives of Hamas who wish to kill Israelis”.

The children further explain that the PA continues to indoctrinate its young one with a philosophy of attacking and murdering Jews and the State of Israel, calling on the State of Israel “To strike these families in a strong painful fashion towards making certain the message gets out, that the price of terror will be high, and it will not be worthwhile”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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