Temple Institute To Establish World’s First Institute For Training Kohanim

1 (2)This year in Jerusalem, the Temple Institute will be opening the world’s first school for training Kohanim to serve in the Beis Hamikdash. The organization has run a number of pilot programs over the last few years and now is embarking on a mission to teach Kohanim all the practical skills required to serve in the Third Beis Hamikdash. To raise seed money for the project the Temple Institute has embarked on an “Indiegogo” crowdfunding project with an initial goal of $75,000.

The curriculum at Nezer HaKodesh will include courses on the Temple service, theory and practice and the role and application of modern technology in the Third Beis Hamikdash. For example, courses such as The Sacred Temple Vessels: Aspects of Engineering and Design and The Mathematics of the Holy Temple will be taught as part of the program.

For the last thirty years, the rabbis and scholars of the Temple Institute have studied in depth all of the ancient text needed to prepare for the Third Temple, becoming the world authorities on the subject. They have published tens of volumes and recreated over 70 sacred vessels for use in the Third Holy Temple. Establishing a school to train Kohanim signifies a huge step towards the realization of the reestablishment of the avoda (Temple service) which has been dormant for 2,000 years since the Romans destroyed the Second Beis Hamikdash in 70 CE.

The initiative was announced during the traditional three-week period of mourning for the Beis Hamikdash, culminating with Tisha B’Av, when both Beis Hamikdash were destroyed. This timing comes as no coincidence, as the purpose of the Temple Institute has always been to reframe this Jewish period of mourning into one of hope and change, highlighting that all of the prophets and sages of Israel have predicted the eventual peaceful rebuilding of the Third Beis Hamikdash in Jerusalem.

Rabbi Chaim Richman, International Director of the Temple Institute, commented: “We are extremely excited to announce this new step towards the restoration of the Holy Temple service. We call first and foremost upon Kohanim worldwide to support this special project, which signifies a return to their birth right. We have chosen to use Indiegogo as a tool to enable as many people as possible to be a part of this historic initiative. The Temple service represents the purest connection between man and our Creator. One third of the Torah’s commandments pertain to the Holy Temple service and we have prayed for its return for thousands of years. In a time when the world is plagued with terror and uncertainty, we enter this project with full faith that one day the Holy Temple will finally be rebuilt and the priestly service reinstated, ushering in an unparalleled era of peace and harmony among all of mankind”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo: The Temple Institute)

12 Responses

  1. Commenter No. 1: I agree with you.

    I believe they advocate Aliyah LeHar HaBayis (entry to the Temple Mount), which has been prohibited by the Gedolim (the leading Rabbinical authorities) of the generations.

  2. Keep Your mainstream yidishkite. BE”H thank You for trying to usher our redemption. how could this be wrong even with Some forbidding it their are Those who say it’s ok with doing the proper preparation their is a way to do it and from my understanding They’re doing what They are supposed do in order to go UpBE”H
    Peacefully & Happy

  3. HaSHem runs the World things only happen with the permission of HaSHem when was the last time we had something like This?

  4. Not only aliyah lehar habayis, but they want to forcibly take possession of har habayis and rebuild the Bais Hamikdosh RIGHT NOW. This is surely not mainstream Yiddishkeit.

    I believe it would be a good thing to create yeshivos to teach Kohanim and Levi’im their respective avodos, because Moshiach could literally come any day. And if it weren’t the Temple Institute doing it, I would try to support it. But I don’t trust the Temple Institute to follow the piskai haGedolim.

  5. I think this Temple Institute sounds very dangerous! We are all tamai nowadays; how could they advocate going on the Har Habais when the punishment is karais? Do they actually think they can make the kohanim’s clothing?Didn’t the kohaim wear clothes made of shatnes in the Bais Hamikdosh? Avodah Zarah 43A states that one may not recreate components of the Temple for any use other than in the Holy Temple yet they are making vessels for use in the Bais Hamikdosh. Next thing we know, one of them will be saying they’re Moshiach!

  6. How does a Kohen practice? That was then we now BE”H we are in the days of Masheah aren’t we? More then we could say 1500 y/a at least i would think/hope

  7. aharonahronovich- Yes, when Mashiach comes and we have Avodas Baies HaMikdash and the laws of tumah and tahara, it will certainly seem like a different religion.

    distracterd- “Avodah Zarah 43A states that one may not recreate components of the Temple for any use other than in the Holy Temple yet they are making vessels for use in the Bais Hamikdosh”
    I think you may need to reread that quote…

  8. First of all, there in fact are poskim (rishonim and achronim) that did permit aliya to har habayit. My posek does not, therefore I don’t. Most of us readers on this site it seems have poskim that forbid it. Most poskim do in fact forbid it. But nevertheless it is forbidden for us to look down on other Jews who follow different poskim than our own.

    Second, this is mainstream yidishkeit. We want the Beis Hamikdash now! and if it wasn’t for the yishmaelim who are desecrating the place every day we would surely restore it to its glory (we could at least construct a mizbe’ach for bringing the korban pesach, even without moshiach!)

    Unfortunately, most of us aren’t knowledgeable in the halachos of the Mikdosh so we assume anything ‘radical’ is ‘avoda zara’. Not necessarily. I recommend that anyone reading this comment checks out Aruch Hashulchan Ha’atid and the Rambam on these issues. This institute is on the right track.

  9. “Hashem runs the world, so everything that happens in the world is by the will of Hashem”
    agree, but the Rambam does say that both xtianity and Islam are a doing of Hashem to prepare the nations and usher in the coming of the moshiach. that doesn’t mean one is to follow these religions chas v’sholoim

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