Tehila Mark: We Told Mom About Our Father But We Don’t Know How Much She Understands

1After IDF soldiers apprehended the terrorists responsible for murdering Rabbi Miki Mark HY”D and critically wounding his wife Mrs. Mark and two of their children, IDF officials notified the children of the successful operation. Area battalion commander Colonel Itzik Cohen visited the family and told them in person details that could be shared regarding the operation and its outcome.

Tehila, 14, one of the daughters, was moderately wounded in the attack. She told Yediot Achronot she felt relief upon hearing the news. “It does not comfort however, but I am glad knowing they cannot strike others” she explained.

She added, “It will not bring abba back, and all the time I thought if they murdered in the past, they will continue to murder others. Hence, when they told me they were apprehended, I was happy that they cannot harm other Jews”.

Tehila shared some of her insights, telling “We were sorrowed to hear one of the terrorists was released in the Shalit deal. This is not the first attack involving one of the terrorists released in that prisoner exchange. They continue to release terrorists that were imprisoned for murdering and wounding Jews. Clearly this is going to continue in the future”.

Tehila added “Ima will be pleased to hear the terrorist was eliminated but her medical condition is far from simple. She has a long road of complicated difficult rehabilitation ahead. We told her about abba, but we do not really know what she understood and what she knows. At times, she tells us ‘abba is at work and will soon return home’”.

She concluded the interview by telling of her new life and that of her siblings and how they must now run the home, and they can no longer just pick up a phone to call abba or to speak with ima.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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  1. What is your editorial policy/hashkafa that you use to decide which comments not to post? Do I have to start thinking with religious Zionist ideals and ignore the Gedolim in order to have my comments posted?

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