Obama: Trump Lacks ‘Basic Knowledge’ About World

obtrPresident Barack Obama says he worries about a President Donald Trump who would lack “basic knowledge about the world” and has shown no interest in learning more about it.

Obama says, what he thinks is “scary is a president who doesn’t know their stuff.”

Without mentioning Trump by name, Obama added the Republican presidential nominee doesn’t seem to know much about nuclear weapons, where countries are or the differences between the Sunni and Shiite branches of the Muslim religion.

The interview was aired on NBC’s “Today” the same day he is scheduled to address the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.


8 Responses

  1. Well Obama certainly knows alot about the world. He knows exactly where Syria is because he, by pulling out of Iraq, created the group ISIS which had caused havoc, the deaths of hundreds of thousands and millions of refugees. He knows where Iraq is because he managed to undo 10 years of hard military work and the sacrifices of thousands of American soldiers with his stupid foreign policy. Then there’s Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen, Egypt…. Then there’s the once sleeping Russian monster which was waiting for a lame duck American ” President” just like ours to allow it to flex it’s muscles over the world.

    Thank you Mr. Obama for your knowledge of the world. Your deep understanding of our world has made life so much safer for so many.

  2. Uncle Mo says it exactly right. Obama was a community organizer, rabble rouser. He hung out with anti whites and socialist trouble makers from the Viet Nam era. The red flags were all there, but people were so excited that he will be the first black president. What a failure he turned out to be. Now people are excited about the first woman president. Be very careful. She wants to continue obama’s horrid legacy, which will be ant- Israel.
    The Republicans openly support Israel. The Democrats openly support the arabs. I believe America needs a tough president who make order in the world and will not suck all of our hard earned money from us and give it to the do nothings who have their lalms out waiting for the hand out.

  3. Commenter no. 1: The prevailing view among many Middle East experts is that the removal of Saddam Hussein from the Middle East resulted in the rise of ISIS. That was a GW Bush/Cheney mistake, not an Obama mistake. And how many American lives would you care to spend on destroying ISIS?

    Commenter no. 3: Did you mean to say Trump is not a billionaire? If so, I think you are right, which of course means he is lying about his financial condition.

  4. Look who’s talking!!! This idiot knows nothing about the world! He lives in a bubble where everything is great!What a loser this dumb president is.

  5. How many states in the United States Mr Obama? Was that 57? Must have been a misprint on the teleprompter, or maybe you really lacked, and continue to lack the “basic knowledge”.

  6. # 4_
    The Bush/Cheney favorite punching bag duo of the Obama sycophants is getting old. Yes, entering Iraq was a mistake, but Obama pulled out early enabling Isis.
    Your question to #1 is a phony one. Let me ask you_ do you want to defeat Isis, and how would you do it?
    Put another way: How many innocent lives should Isis destroy round the world before you’re willing to do anything about it?

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