Mrs. Adina Bar-Shalom Participates in Tzohar Rabbonim Conference

absMrs. Adina Bar-Shalom, a daughter of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L was among the hundreds taking part in the Tzohar Rabbonim Conference held in the Jerusalem Convention Center on Monday, 19 Tammuz.

Bar-Shalom is also the pioneer who launched the Chareidi College with her father’s blessing and is a member of the Shas party Women’s Council.

Not only was she in attendance, she was a guest speaker and participated in a panel discussion as a panel member. Bar-Shalom was threatening to run for a slot in Knesset but eventually backed down and accepted a place on the party’s Women’s Council for the time being.

It is well-known that Maran was a fierce opponent of Tzohar Rabbonim, which he felt was compromising and destroying classic Yiddishkheit with its liberal hashkafa.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. I personally never heard of either her or that conference. That said one has to wonder what the point of this article is. To me it seems to be very close to lashan hara if nothing else.
    Please either remove or explain the purpose…

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