WATCH: Trump Doubles Down On JFK Assassination-Cruz Dad Link

10 Responses

  1. Good for TRUMT!!!
    That’s why we are all iyh going to be voting for him, because he calls out the press!!!!

    The Press is everything that’s BAD & WRONG with this country!!! (All the lies and distortions started with them!!!!)

  2. So far I am leaning towards Trump because he is the Least of 2 Worrisome candidates. But I Must Say Its Ashame The Presidential choices Include Someone Who Lacks Basic Nice Behavior. Who Bullies opponents in a debate and Makes Fun of Opponents Wifes Looks and now even their Fathers????? Is this a Bar or the US Presidential race? Sigh! But I am leaning with difficulty because in policy matters I dont want Another Obama or Worse even , now that the Sanders crowd are pushing even more to the (communist anti-Israel) left. All we can hope for and trust in is Hashem guides History

  3. Trump should realize that the National Enquirer has never been a reputable source for news. And the photo is not of an unidentified man having breakfast with Oswald, but the 2 men handing out leaflets while picketing. The photo is of such poor quality that the person can not be identified.

    Interestingly, the NY Times had an article on June 1, 1927 that Fred Trump as arrested at a KKK rally on May 30, 1927. His address listed was Donald’s grandfather’s address where Fred was listed in the 1930 census. Despite the proof Donald denies that his father was arrested at a KKK rally.

    This is not the kind of candidate than I can vote for.

  4. Somebody needs to tell Donald to be a gracious winner and stop stooping to childish stupidity. If he continues with this Enquirer and Cruz’s father nonsense, he’ll turn off millions who are watching and don’t see a proper presidential demeanor that should befit a candidate for this office.

    I feel sorry for Pence, you could just see his frozen smile and know he’s squirming and embarrassed.
    Cut it out , Donald, or we’ll lose.

  5. I will be proud to tell my grandchildren that there was once a ignorant liberal demogogue and a liberal, criminal egoist running for president, and I did not vote for any of them…

  6. Yes, Mike Pence was looking like a fool, staring at Trump while he was spewing total stupidity about nothing to do with nothing.

    You have the Democratic convention taking place & instead of going after Hillary & the DNC, Trump chooses to roll in the dirt and try to keep some silly infighting going. I hate to say it but Trump is turning out to be just another L O S E R like Romney and McCain. He is not serious about winning the presidency. He is having 2nd thoughts. Why should he give up his millions a year for a lousy $300,000.00 aggravating thankless job?

  7. “Good for TRUMT!!! That’s why we are all iyh going to be voting for him, because he calls out the press!!!!”

    If you are a Jew — and I sincerely hope you are not — this comment is a chilul HaShem.

    I disagree with Ted Cruz on almost everything except for his steadfast support for Israel, and his duplicity and backstabbing has made him the most despised politician in Washington. And I disagree completely with Ted Cruz’ father’s extreme religious views. But to accuse Cruz’ father of having played a role in the Kennedy assassination is so far beyond the pale that it defies logical comment. And that a Jew would support such a defamation is shocking.

  8. “the Sanders crowd are pushing even more to the (communist anti-Israel) left”

    And Clinton pushed them right back — some of them right into the arms of Jill Stein. It is worth noting that on the party platforms, each of the two nominees set a red line on a foreign policy matter. For Clinton, it was support for Israel. But for Trump, it was support for Ukraine — he all but invited Putin to take over not just Ukraine but Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, the latter three of which are NATO allies. Trump has also said that he wants to prop up the rasha Assad in Syria, which will mean that Assad’s goons Hezbollah will be free to attack Israel with no consequences. Trump is the person whom we should be worried about.

  9. charliehall is back? I havent seen you since Obama round 1 Great to see “you” here again. (truth is I try not to read comments so maybe you were here. I used to troll under the name ProNotAnti, now I troll as a Chossid.

    Your chilul Hashem trump card (pun intended) is getting old. Seems every time someone agrees with you (what is that – like .00035% of YWN readers?) hes a great Jew and when we disagree it’s a Chilul Hashem.

    I’m a nevertrump-er and just as the Democrat party left me in the early 80’s, the Republican Party has left me in the 10’s. A vote for Hillary is as big a chilul Hashem as a vote for Trump by whatever logic you use.

    Really happy to see you here old friend/foe brother.

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