Minister Landver Critical Of The Growth In Ashdod’s Chareidi Community

ashdodAn argument erupted between Shas leader Aryeh Deri and Minister of Immigrant Absorption (Yisrael Beitenu) Sofia Landver during a meeting of the Housing Cabinet. Landver was critical of the growth of the chareidi community in Ashdod, leading to a harsh response from Deri.

Landver, who is a resident of Ashdod explained she does not love the fact the chareidi community continues to grow. “There cannot be so many chareidim in Ashdod. They are destroying the character of the city” she exclaimed.

Deri responded angrily “What chutzpah, to speak like this. The chareidim are suffering due to the critical shortage in housing. The nation absorbed over one million immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in the 1990s, and found a housing solution for all”.

Landver responded “I respect you and will not respond. It cannot be. There are entire neighborhoods being destroyed because of the influx of chareidim. You have to go there to understand”.

Deri pounded on the table and said “This is the highest level of chutzpah. Enough!”

In addition to Deri and Landver, Housing Minister Yoav Gallant was present as well as Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon, Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel, Jerusalem Affairs Minister Ze’ev Elkin and head of the Chairman of the Housing Council Avigdor Yitzchaki.

Deri reached agreement with the ministers for a plan to add 200,000 housing units for the chareidi tzibur in the next 20 years.

Deri explained people are living in abhorrent conditions and there is a real crisis due to the shortage of apartments. Deri added the chareidi tzibur is expected to double in the next 20 years and it will then be almost 20% of the nation’s population.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. You bet she wouldn’t say a word if it were arabs that was ‘ruining’ her city. A real self-hating Jew.
    אם אין תורה אין כלום

  2. Maybe she is referring to the chareidim that don’t respect other people’s way of life or maybe she is referring to the chareidim that don’t keep their property clean, and if so I fully understand her

  3. Hatred of chareidim is so widespread and acceptable in Israeli that she is unable to grasp that her remarks crossed a red line.

  4. To moderator: thank you for including a map in the article. It is very helpful to see where cities are located. Please insert them in future articles as well from time to time. Thank you

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