TGI Poll: Kol Chai Is The Leading Chareidi Radio Station

1The latest TGI poll shows that in the first half of 2016, Kol Chai Radio led the chareidi listening audience with a 5.4% share. Following is Kol Berama with 4.2% and Galei Yisrael with 2.2%. Galei Yisrael is viewed as the “settlers” radio station.

Regarding newspapers in Israel


39.7% Yisrael Hayom

34.9% Yediot Achronot

3.9% Haaretz

3.9% Maariv

4.7% Globes


37.6% Yisrael Hayom

37.7% Yediot Achronot

5.5% Haaretz

4.3% Maariv

3.5% Makor Rishon

Other Radio

37.8% Kol Yisrael

37.6% Galgalatz

34.6% Radio Ezori (Regional)

25% Galei Tzahal

23.5% Reshet Bet

16.9% Reshet Gimmel

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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