Religious Discrimination Continues In The IDF

idffAs soldiers prepare to enter course commanders training (‘Makim’), those with beards who have not brought appropriate authorization to sport a beard for religious reasons have been informed they will not be permitted to begin the course if they do not shave. This is all in line with the IDF’s desire to have personnel appear a secular as possible and not ‘yeshivish’ as many of the hesder and other frum soldiers have beards.

Making things worse, the religious persecution in this case is due to a clerical error as the soldiers have received the authorization but they document has not been forwarded by their unit to the persons in charge of the course.

The dati leumi Kippa website adds it has learned the course commander has given clear instructions to ban all personnel with beards who do not have authorization for a beard.

Since IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott assumed his post, religious persecution in the IDF has increased sharply, including Eizenkott’s decision to hand over control of many powers from the IDF Chief Rabbinate to the anti-religious IDF Education Corps. Eizenkott has also taken the Jewish Consciousness program from the IDF Rabbinate, as it would appear he prefers the Education Corps pluralistic hashkafa over a religious one.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. but dont the DL always claim that the idf is milchemet mitzvah. so wouldnt you want to be most religious looking as possible when fighting a milchemet mitzvah?!

  2. Where is Zion flag, Ziongate, Rabbi of Berlin, and Gadohador????… YOU’RE SILENCE IS DISGUSTING ON THIS ISSUE…. Why aren’t you standing up for the IDF and their love for yiddishkeit?

    It seems like the message our Reform commentators( see list above) have missed is that the IDF doesn’t want frum people in the army..

  3. Define;

    Calm down. I’m not on the Internet 24/6 looking for shmutz and garbage, I have a life also.
    What is happening now is disgusting. They should remove this IDF chief and dismiss him immediately,it’s a disgrace.
    That said, my older brother used to steal my quarters and tootsie-rolls, but I never disowned him.
    I am a religious Zionist despite & in spite of the Eizenkotts . I see the whole as pretty good with a bunch of bad apples__ You and this other guy here see ONLY bad and NOTHING good.You guys scurry around with bedikas chometz lichtalach to see evil and to burn it with last year’s lulav.
    Ihe IDF’s had beards before, and they’ll have again.

    But why should you care? You don’t think they belong there anyway, so this article must be a sweet Gotcha moment for you.
    Just in case you forgot, the IDF is putting their lives on the line, with or without beards , to protect the beards and non-beards as they sit in yeshivos, walk the streets, in general are doing the holy work of protecting Yidden. You’ll never acknowledge that because you guys are Kafui Tovah brigades
    Is that what bothers you, the beards/beardless ?
    I don’t think so.

  4. Ziongate,

    Why are you on YWN? I get angry with comments by Religious- Zionists who don’t see that they are only wanted if they conform. It won’t change.

    3 suggestions:

    1. Arutz Sheva is a better fit for you. There, you won’t have to listen to actual Gadolim who know a billion times more than you. You will like it especially now that they finally took down their Asian women looking for men ads. Baruch Hashem.

    2. How do you hold you know more than Gedolim?

    3. Read the Ofir Winter case on why dati officers aren’t welcome. Especially leading soldiers into war with pasukim.

  5. Define;

    Let me be as polite as possible about your “suggestions.”

    1. What’s fit for me is my business, and I never noticed the Asian women ads on Arutz even though I check it often . How come you know about it?

    2. Please don’t spray the Gedolim around as if ALL Gedolim agree with your position. I also don’t have a Roentgen to see who is or who isn’t a gadol. I also know that a rav whether he’s a “Gadol” or not is absolutely entitled, under Toras Moshe, to render a psak, pshat or opinion.

    3. For you and the other anti-Zionists:
    Just because you omit the names of great rabbonim ( Gedolim???- why not) who were pro-religious Zionists years ago, pre WW II doesn’t mean that they will be forgotten. Most people don’t even know about them because their seforim , articles , opinions or biographies are NOT found in the current publications. In other words, censored out of circulation.

    4. I don’t know more than anybody. I see a miraculous growth in Eretz Yisroel and I acknowledge Hashem’s awesome nissim. That the fruits yield crops in abundance for the 1st time in over 2,000 years is witness to Rav Abbas’s amazing statement in Sanhedrin. I also know that problems exist and hope, like you, for Moshiach’s arrival.

    Did you say you saw something about Asian women ? Oh, ok.

  6. define: since my name was mentioned, I’ll answer. Do remember that we also have a life and I don’t always read YWN -probably a sin in your eyes.
    anyway- if you would read the actual article, you will see that, as usual, you are barking up a totally wrong tree. We are talking about inductees who have no authorization to grow a beard. They may not even be religious! If you read properly, you will see that anyone who gets the authorization, probably because he is religious, can-CAN!-grow a beard. So, it is quite the opposite to what you have written.
    The last paragraph is not news, just the opinion of “Israel YWN” that is on the extreme right and always tries to discredit the medinah. It will not succeed!

  7. To my Ziongate and my dear Rabbi of Berlin,and every Zionist.

    If Rabbi Kook was running the IDF, the army would never have these issues arise. He isn’t.

    In terms of your defense of the IDF, can you explain to me where your voices were during the persecution of Col. Ofir Winter?

    I would also like to know where your voices were when Rasha Lapid was starving your frum brethren for not wanting to leave Talmud Torah. Cutting benefits and acess to employment is wrong. Where was Bennett? Nowhere!

    While you may have a point on a few things, you have not put together a track record of consistency and credibility.

    Can you honestly tell my why our Gedolim who lead hundred’s of thousands of yidden aren’t backing the IDF and enrolling their talmidim?( R. Kanievski, Rav Elyashiv, etc) There are a few dati leumi Rabbeim who stood up for the haredim( R. Eiyahu one of my heros in Tsfat), but most were silence.

    I welcome your response, but I don’t believe you can provide answers. Support our troops, not the IDF melting pot hashkafa.

  8. define: You are not talking to the right person. I do not follow or accept the view of the chareidi gedolim. I think they are tragically mistaken. I think that the whole chareidi system in Israel is corrupt and is actually against the halocho. So, I do not have to answer your questions because I do not agree with your shittos.

  9. They should just bring a shulchan aruch with them and say, Hashem authorized it. If you have a complaint, take it up with Him.

  10. “Rabbi” of Berlin(Birthplaces of Reform Judaism) ,

    Why do you feel you know better than Gedolim? Why are you on a Haredi website?

    Do me a favour. Go and share your opinion with R. Chaim in Bnei Brak. Go tell him his daas torah is flawed. Take Ziongate, and zionflag, and all the other “Rabbis” with you when you go get your bracha from him.

    How come the top rated Minister in the Knesset is Charedi? A tzaddik called R. Litzman.

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