Israel: Lottery Winner Makes The Bracha Hatov V’Hameitiv [UPDATED]

1A woman who won NIS 500,000 in an Israeli lottery was informed of her good fortune by phone, by lottery official Ariella, who is known as the person who calls winners to bestow good tidings upon them.

Rachel, who won NIS 500,000, told Ariella that she decided to sign up for a membership in weekly lotteries as her ‘hishtadlus’ and now, she has won. She began crying and it took a few seconds to compose herself. She then proceeded to make the bracha ‘Hatov V’Hameitiv’.

She explained “this is my hishtadlus as HKBH does his job and we have to do ours to help things along. My husband always told me I am wasting money but we now see this was not the case”.

After replaying the audio tape, it is pointed out the woman did so WITHOUT Shem Hashem.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Very interesting.
    I’ve just finished listening to a shiur on TorahAnytime by Rabbi Orlofsky given this week, where he said he’s never seen a frum Powerball winner, and imitated someone saying Hatov v’hameitiv.

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