Ex-US Congresswoman Blames Israel For Terror Attacks In Munich And Nice

cmFormer US Congresswoman (Dem.-Georgia) Cynthia McKinney has come out pointing a finger of blame in the direction of Israel for the recent murderous terror attacks in Nice and Munich. The former US elected official used twitter to get her message out- “Same Israeli photographer captures Nice and Munich tragedies. How likely is that? Remember the Dancing Israelis?…”

German journalist Richard Gutjahr, who is married to former MK Einat Wilf was present to video both attacks. The Times of Israel explains “Dancing Israelis” refers to a widely discredited conspiracy theory that five Israeli men were arrested in New Jersey on September 11, 2001, after being seen celebrating the terror attack.

In an earlier tweet, McKinney questioned why they were dancing at the same time Americans were being killed.

McKinney has been known for her anti-Semitic policy and she lost her bid for reelection in the 2002 congressional race.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. That picture of her is scary. She looks like a wild-eyed idiot! I wouldn’t put too much credence in anything she says. She’s a dumb fool!

  2. Yes let’s find someone to blame! Let’s blame the terrorist attacks and Black violence recently in the U.S. That must of encouraged violence in Europe!

  3. Another DEMOCRAT.
    Today, Rep. Hank Johnson, DEMOCRAT, Ga. called Israeli settlers ‘termites.’
    Cornell West, James Zogby, DNC anti-Semitic emails, J Street, New Israel Fund Dems ( Meharsayich Umachraveich Mimeich Yetzeiu) campus bullies assaulting pro-Israeli students Hillary VP candidate Kaine, Hillary herself cursing Jews, disabled and even blacks with vulgar obscenities which I can’t write here ( Please Google it ) BDS ( read: Jew haters) Dems, the left Ramaz School alumni liars ,and the Yiddlach are afraid of some white supremacists who because they agree with Trump on immigration, throw the Donald under the bus.
    The Democrat Donkey is the modern day Aigel Hazohov to the vast majority of us. Can anyone explain it?

  4. So we know who McKinney really stands for, here are quotes from her Wikapedia biography. McKinney gained national attention for remarks she made following the 2001 US attacks, charging that the United States had advance knowledge of the attacks and that US President George W. Bush may have been aware of the incipient attack and allowed them to happen, allegedly due to his father’s business interests: ” In the month that followed the attacks, when New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani refused to cash a $10 million check written by Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal in light of the Prince’s suggestion that the attacks were an indication that the United States “should re-examine its policies in the Middle East and adopt a more balanced stand toward the Palestinian cause,” McKinney published an open letter to the Saudi Prince, in which she wrote of her disappointment at Giuliani’s action and stated, “Let me say that there are a growing number of people in the United States who recognize, like you, that U.S. policy in the Middle East needs serious examination…Your Royal Highness, many of us here in the United States have long been concerned about reports by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch that reveal a pattern of excessive, and often indiscriminate, use of lethal force by Israeli security forces in situations where Palestinian demonstrators were unarmed and posed no threat of death or serious injury to the security forces or to others.” her opposition to aid to Israel, a perceived support of Palestinian and Arab causes, and alleged antisemitism by her supporters and on the night before the primary election, McKinney’s father stated on Atlanta television that “Jews have bought everybody … J-E-W-S.” Cynthia McKinney had been through a long contentious relationship with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and commentators such as Alexander Cockburn allege that money from out-of-state Jewish organizations, angered by her stand on Middle East issues, was key in her election defeat. Cockburn also wrote that “Buckets of sewage were poured over McKinney’s head in the Washington Post and the Atlanta Constitution.”According to the Anti Defamation League, McKinney’s use of the New Black Panther Party as security, given that organization’s use of antisemitic and racist invective, and her failure to distance herself from that group, are “troubling.” Georgia political analyst Bill Shipp addressed McKinney’s defeat saying “voters sent a message: ‘We’re tired of these over-the-top congressmen dealing in great international and national interests. How about somebody looking out for our interests?’ ” McKinney entered the Longworth House Office Building’s southeast entrance and proceeded past the security checkpoint, walking around the metal detector. Members of Congress have identifying lapel pins and are not required to pass through metal detectors. The officers present failed to recognize McKinney and stopped her and it is reported that McKinney struck the officer. Officer McKenna filed a police report claiming that McKinney had struck “his chest with a closed fist.” McKinney made an apology on the floor of the House of Representatives”. On December 30, 2008, McKinney was aboard the ship Dignity as it attempted to enter the Gaza Strip, which had its coastal area declared a “closed military zone” by Israel, while on a humanitarian mission by the Free Gaza Movement from Cyprus. Aboard were physicians, medical supplies, and activists, including Caoimhe Butterly. The Israeli Navy confronted the ship at night in international waters. Members of the crew claimed that the ship was rammed, gunfire was directed at the water, and the ship was forced to dock in Lebanon after taking on water. Israeli officials claimed that the collision was accidental and occurred after the ship was informed they wouldn’t be allowed to enter Gaza and tried to outmaneuver the patrol boat; they decried McKinney’s actions as being irresponsible and provocative for the sake of propaganda. On June 30, 2009, McKinney was aboard the Greek-flagged Free Gaza Movement’s ship Spirit of Humanity carrying 21 activists including Irish peace activist Mairead McGuire, medical supplies, a symbolic bag of cement, olive trees and toys, when it was seized by the Israeli Navy 18 mi (29 km) off the Gaza coast. It is unclear whether they were in international waters or in Gazan waters, which is subject to the Israeli blockade of Gaza.McKinney was held at the Givon immigration detention center in Ramle, until she was released on July 5. McKinney initially refused to sign the deportation papers because they were written in Hebrew and that the papers would require them to admit that they were in violation of Israel’s blockade, which they deny. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Israeli officials stated that the “Palestinian Authority and the rest of the international community had agreed to the off-shore blockade to prevent arms smuggling into Gaza.” In June 2011, McKinney visited Libya[98] and accused NATO and the United States of trying to assassinate Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. McKinney also criticised the trade embargo on the Gaddafi’s regime and accused mainstream media in the Western world of subjecting the population of the European Union and the United States “to the largest propaganda blitz by their governments.

  5. Clearly, she’s a nut, to the point where it’s funny. If you look at some of the historical stuff she’s said, it’s really humorous and entertaining. It’s even funnier seeing clips of her talking. The picture of her above is not at all satirical.

    Though what isn’t funny, is that there’re actually US citizens out there who really voted her into office!

  6. She’s talking about “Dancing Israelis who were seen celebrating the terror attack.” No doubt she’s referring to Arab Israelis.

    And to think she was once a Congresswoman. What kind of weirdos voted her in?

  7. Are we sure this is really a congress “woman?” I’m legitimately wondering after seeing the picture. Isn’t that 5 o’clock shadow?

  8. Toddah rabbah to the members of Haddasah Hospital for pioneering stem cell injections to save patients afflicted with ALS. My brother Robert died in 1997 from this disease. Again toddah rabbah Israel.

    Dr. Irving Weissman, Stanford University, is a leading scientist in phase 1 testing of an antibody to eliminate a protein (CD-47) which protects all cancer cells from our immunization system–toddah rabbah. Hopefully, it may be a magic bullet !!!

    My point is clear to any reader—Jews are benefiting my life and YOURS. May HaShem bless the Jewish people and Israel.

    What this nincompoop so called congresswoman thinks and says is utterly without kindness, justice or truth !!!

    I must say parenthetically as a goy that the Liberal elements in world including Judaism annoys me to no end. Nincompoops !!!!!

    Lastly, a great Rabbi has affirmed that I as a goy can suggest to all Jews:

    1) Do more Talmud Torah.

    2) Do more davvening.

    3) Do more Chessed.

    The nincompoops of the world are many, but they are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.

    Shalom, a goy, Gerry Mullen


  10. Dear Mr. Mullen (comment # 15),

    Thanks for your kind words and great advice/encouragement.

    Btw, you can also mention the Jewish Doctor, Dr. Jonas Salk who single-handedly wiped out Polio with his vaccine.
    He could have become an over-night Billionaire. Literally!
    But he refused to profit from his vaccine. He wanted to share it with the world.

    Wouldn’t it be great if all the anti-Semites banned/boycotted all the medical and technological inventions/discoveries made by Jews?
    (There would be a lot less “nincompoops” in the world….

  11. a. Those “dancing Israelis” in New Jersey celebrating the 9/11 attack were dancing with the Muslims in Jersey City that Trump saw from his residence in Trump Tower. This woman is as nutty as … Donald Trump?

    b. I never heard of this woman, and evidently, she has been out of Congress for 14 years. Why does any stupid thing she says get reported, and why is anybody worried about it?

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