Tragedy in Bnei Brak: Fatal Drowning in a Mikve Early Monday AM [UPDATED]

gA 28-year-old avreich R”L was pronounced dead this morning, Monday, 19 Tammuz, after passing out in a mikve on Gordon Street in Bnei Brak. The avreich z”l was a “well-known young talmid chacham in the city” who is survived by his wife and three children. The avreich’s parents live in Kiryat Herzog in the city.

United Hatzalah EMT Yossi Teitlebaum reports “It occurred during the predawn hours. The dispatcher gave instructions over the phone as how to perform CPR until the first units arrived. We arrived and found a man who drowned. He was in cardiac arrest and CPR was initiated along with advanced life support but he was eventually pronounced dead on the scene”.

The victim’s identity and levaya information to be announced.

UPDATE: The avreich who died is Rav Bentzion Chaim Gvurim z”l, 28, a son of Rav Michael Gvurim, a noted member of kollel Yeshivas Netivot Olam.

The levaya begins at 10:30AM from Kollel Nachlas Moshe on Meltzer Street in Bnei Brak.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. BDE

    What another horrific tragedy to hit us

    anyone know the name of the Avreich niftar R”L so he can be remembered?

    10th innocent child or infant niftar in the month of July

    ANOTHER 9 innocent infants & children niftar R”L during the month of june

    AND OVER 220 niftar just over the last 2-3 years alone R”L

    This is horrific & is not usual but is a Mageifa R”L and calls for immediate teshuva to stop it from continuing C”V.

    All names & records saved with dates & how Niftar R”L

    MAY we all do Teshuva ASAP so this mageifa stops ASAP

    May his neshama have an Aliya

    May his family have a Nechama

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