Clinton Saddened by GOP’s ‘Lock Her Up’ Chants

hilHillary Clinton says the chants of “lock her up” at last week’s Republican National Convention made her feel “very sad.”

Clinton tells “60 Minutes” in an interview broadcast Sunday that she doesn’t know what the GOP convention was about, “other than criticizing me.” She says she seems to be “the only unifying theme that they had.”

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee says Republicans offered “no positive agenda” and presented “a very dark, divisive campaign.”

Clinton also says GOP speakers painted a negative picture of the country “that I did not recognize. So I was saddened by it.”


11 Responses

  1. The saddest part of this is that what was said at the convension is the truth… and she’s clueless when faced with it!

  2. The Republican delegates only chanted what everyone is thinking.

    Had this email scandal – the new one – happened to anyone other than the Clintons, their political careers would be over.

    …But, as proven in these leaked emails, the media is in bed with the Democrats and this scandal too will rapidly disappear.

    According to the emails the Democrats are guilty of everything of which they are accusing Trump.

    How any thinking person can vote for Hillary is beyond my comprehension!!!

  3. I’m sure she would be rejoicing if it was her opponent that people wanted to “lock up.” The last time we had a presidential candidate running as “I am not a crook” it didn’t end well.

  4. she is out of touch that is why she is surprised, she wants to disarm all of us while being protected by gun totting goons.

  5. Hillary is playing it perfectly. This how the Clintons were successful all of these years. Play the “VICTIM” card. They are so pure and clean as the wind driven snow, but it’s those evil white racist right wing conspiracy that just won’t ever leave us alone. She is such a nice sweet Bubbe only trying to help US. She only has OUR best interest in mind. She is literally giving up a lucrative career just in order to help us poor lemechels who would be just lost without her strong iron clad leadership. She fights for OUR rights and protections. How could ANYONE possibly say ANYTHING negative about such a saint???!

  6. Re comment no. 1: The difference between “dump trump” and “lock her up” is that no one is proposing to put Trump in jail. The Republican head of the FBI decided not to lock her up, and that should be the end of that issue, unless new evidence emerges, which so far has not happened.

    What is disturbing to me is that no one has proposed changing the rules that apply to e-mails by cabinet officials and other high-ranking political appointees. Why has The Donald not assured us that in his administration, there will be new rules that establish bright lines protecting information in the possession of high-ranking officials? Because (a) he wants the issue, not a solution, and (b) he doubts he will have an administration.

  7. hillary what your realy saddened about is…that the people dont want to forgive accept and forget…you realy wished for that …you have done it for so many years…now you go ahead and pay the price you deserve….and i wish you get the punishment you deserve….

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