Camp HASC Hachnasas Sefer Torah

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Camp HASC celebrated an unforgettable Hachnassas Sefer Torah sponsored by the Dov & Shaindy Lisker & Family in honor of the Bar

Mitzvah of their son Elie, a camper at HASC.

The emotional Hachnassas Sefer Torah began with a lively Uncle Moishy concert and beautiful Seudas Mitzvah. Campers participated in “Ksivas Osios” and flag-making art projects and other adaptive activities to mark the special occasion. Led by a live band and Sefer Torah truck, hundreds of children and adults joined the family members to escort the Torah to its new home in the Camp HASC Beis Medrash.  Jojo Aronoff a member of Camp HASC Kollel Torat Chesed, said “this was one of the highlights of my three summers at camp… seeing the campers’ faces light up while celebrating with the new Sefer Torah was incredible”.

Shuki Weinstein, a first year counselor shared, “Holding the Torah together with my campers was the It is so amazing how everything is adaptable and accessible, so that every camper, regardless of their physical or intellectual abilities are able to participate”.

5.5 Elie Lisker Bar Mitzvah  Hachnasat Sefer Torah Web - 122

The Jewish community’s premier Summer Program for individuals with special needs, Camp HASC provides for the physical, medical, therapeutic and personal needs of over 300 children and adults with a range of special needs and developmental disabilities.

Dozens of campers in wheelchairs and with walkers along side children on their counselors shoulders, singing and dancing all together in honor of the Torah. For many of the special campers at HASC, this was their first opportunity to hold a Sefer Torah and participate in a Sefer Torah procession. Rav Judah Mischel, Executive Director at Camp HASC. “It was such a special honor for us, and a beautiful day of Kovod Hatorah, Simcha shel Mitzvah and Kvod Shomayim”.


To follow the magic –and all the inspiring fun at camp HASC:

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