Cabinet Amends Law Compelling Teaching Secular Subjects In Yeshivos

1The cabinet on Sunday, 18 Tammuz, approved the amended law so that yeshivos will not be compelled to teach ‘core subjects’ in line with chareidi demands. Minister Ofir Akunis walked out of the cabinet meeting in anger. Akunis called the move a mistake, explaining he feels all chareidi schools should be taught basic secular subjects.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu explained the coalition exists based on the agreements with the chareidi parties.

As a result of the vote, paragraph 10a of the Education Law which was to go into effect in 2018 has been cancelled, so in essence there is no change felt since the mandatory introduction of secular subjects in these schools never began. The law compelling them to include secular subjects in the curriculum was introduced by the previous government headed by the Likud, Yesh Atid and Bayit Leumi parties.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Great day!
    They do teach basic skills such as math, writing and grammar – because all know that it’s important – the difference is that it’s just not supervised by the משרד החינוך, the governmental education department which all myst agree, in Israel, is a dangerous philosophical body.

  2. P.S.
    In short, it’s done ע”פ טהרת הקודש and not the athiestic anti רבש”ע of the secular left!

  3. The basic core curriculum subjects in Israel is not only English and Math. What got Lapid and other secular ministers mad is that yeshivos will not be compelled to learn the most important subjects: Hertzl’s dream of Zionism and scientific proof of evolution.

  4. Teaching core subjects did not pass but the Education Minister can withhold finances to the Yeshivos who do not teach it. Just like they withhold finances to a religious school that does not accept a secular child.

  5. Netanyahu is right….coalition politics should take priority over the needs of ALL Israeli children to have the basic secular educational skills and chinuch needed to earn a paranssah. Its much better to avoid upsetting some chareidi rabbonim and their political hacks than insisting on a certified and monitored program of core educational skills.

  6. What a shame. And no, #1, not “everyone myst [sic} agree,” only people who insist on living in come chareidi fantasy land, and condemn chareidim to minimum wage jobs for the majority of their working lives (for those that choose to work, R”L).

  7. A great vote for ignorance.
    The Lubovitvher Rebbe z”L showed that secular subjects and religion do NOT conflict. His Chasidim are not parasites of the state.

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