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Rav Kanievsky: L’chatchila, One Shouldn’t Work For The Israel Tax Authority To Report On Others

1HaGaon HaRav Uri HaKohen Tigger of Yerushalayim presented a copy of his completed sefer ”לדופקי בתשובה” to HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita this week. It is described as a type of ‘Mishna Brura’ for addressing Hilchos Teshuva of the Rambam with Biur Halacha and Shar Tzion. Rav Kanievsky has been reviewing the sefer over recent years and wrote many comments and corrections, which are included in the text today.

In his introduction, the author writes:

”נוכחתי לראות דבר נפלא בהגהות מרן, לאורך כל הספר, בדרך כלל במקום שהנידון הוא על דין עולם הבא ועונשו מצדד מרן שליט”א להקל ככל האפשר”.

The Sefer includes a question pertaining to one employed by Mas Hachnasa, the Israel Tax Authority. This person’s job is to find persons who are required to file income tax but do not. The sefer questions if one is permitted to accept such a job or perhaps, doing so would classify one as a ‘moiser’ or alternatively, it is permitted due to דינא דמלכותא דינא.

Rav Kanievsky is quoted addressing this question, stating the inyan of ‘moiser’ and דינא דמלכותא דינא are not applicable, however, he rules l’chatchila, one should not accept such a position ולאו משנת חסידים היא.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Rav Moshe has a teshuva that working for a goyishe govt taxing authority is mutar, even though you might uncover Yidden involved in things.

  2. 1) Rav Chaim didn’t say any different.
    2) Rav Chaim has every right to argue with Rav Moshe.
    3) Where is this teshuvah from Rav Moshe?

  3. לענ”ד Not everything written in a ספר even by a great Gaon should be publicized on the internet. והמבין יבין.

  4. Can the same be said about, where one will be required to kick Yidden out of their homes, beat them, destroy shuls and yeshivas?

  5. #1 – Rebbe Yid – Yidden shouldn’t be “involved in things” (even though they often are) and if they are, they should punished jus tike everybody else.

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