Jerusalem Mayor Barkat Won’t March In Toeiva Parade, Scheduled On The Yahrzeit Of The Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh

1R”L another toeiva parade is scheduled to be held in Yerushalayim, this time on Thursday 15 Tammuz, coinciding with the yahrzeit of the Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh.

Yediot Achronot interviewed Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat to determine if he would be taking part in the parade. Mr. Barkat explained he would not as to avoid offending the religious sensibilities of the chareidim and religious communities. The mayor stated he represents everyone and therefore, he would not take part for that would be viewed as offensive to so many residents.

He stressed that it is true the city treats all communities equal, but the toeiva community is nonetheless offensive to chareidim and religious residents.

Regarding the parade, the mayor stated it carries both positive and negative aspects.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Not only is this immorality abominable parade scheduled on the day of the yahrzeit of the Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh but it’s on the week of Parshas Pinchos (in Israel) who would not tolerate immorality!

  2. The mayor is acting wisely in not marching in the parade but he should be certain to commit all the necessary resources to squash any violent protests and protect the marchers. The chareidi terrorist who murdered innocent participants at last year’s parade had been imprisoned for life but there could be other zealots who might seek to disrupt or C’v attack the parade. The Mayor is 100 percent correct that all Israelis are entitled to equal protection under the law and have exactly the same rights to parade as the frum might parade on Purim, Simchas beis Hashoaeva, etc.

  3. its not offensive to chareidim. its ‘offensive’ to the ribon kol oilumim. and if you c’v say he kavayochil changed his mind then the yismael can say also like eretztz yisrioel belonging to the yidden. so these toiavag guys have no claim to yisroel

  4. These events are fed to a large degree by the vocal and violent opposition to them, which draws activists from around the country to support and participate in them. Without the excitement and notoriety that the opposition gives to these events they would likely return to the minuscule scale of the first informal events. As there is no legal way to stop these events altogether, the best policy would be to ignore them and let them dwindle and wither from a lack of interest and attention.

  5. #2: You probably seek to deliberately provoke someone to respond to your comments. So, here goes. I hope you are not equating Purim celebrations and Simchas Beis Hashoava to le’havdil a toriva parade. And what exactly are you suggesting as protection for the toeiva-niks? Place all the chareidim in E.Y. under house arrest. Better yet, to kick them all out of the country? Permanently. Judenrein! Ja, das iz de beste weg. Juden raus! Schneller! Sounds familiar doesn’t it?

  6. tRegarding tzedokah collectors at the kosel GadolHadorah wrote today 135pm: “these schnorers harass locals and tourists at a makom kadosh and take away from the sanctity and dignity of the location.”

    And yes says here that it’s 100 right they have a right to prayer. Is the kedusha of EY and Yerushayim not important?

    Or is a needy woman collecting tzedokah a bigger aveira than those marching to be chayev koreis, in your absurd hashkafa?

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