A Bizarre Exhibit Of Justice – The Prosecution Shows No Mercy For Kosel Schnorrer

1A criminal indictment was field against a female schnorrer who made her living at the Kosel. For reasons that remain a mystery, the case against her is being handled with a tenacious determination. She was indicted in the Jerusalem Magistrate Court about two years ago leaving many questioning what the city wants from the 64-year-old mother of eleven, who earns a living collecting tzedaka.

Persons who know the woman explain she has no criminal past, suffers from chronic depression, and all said and done, earns about NIS 20-25 a day collecting. So who is she bothering?

The indictment lists six different cases in which she broke the law, in which she solicited money at a holy site by outstretching her arm requesting tzedaka, explaining this is a violation of the law at a holy site. The indictment points out she worked in the ezras noshim, collected funds, which she kept for herself.

‘S’ has had a difficult life and in addition to the criminal charges against her, she R”L lost a daughter at a young age while three others were stricken with a rare illness. A motion was filed on her behalf with the prosecution to delay the case, which is tantamount to forgetting the case, but the prosecution is determined to see it through, unwilling to show a measure of compassion. As a result, she faces six months imprisonment despite explaining “I come to the Kosel to daven and not just to request money” ‘S’ told Ynet, but her pained voice has gone unheard. She added there were schnorrers at the Beis Hamikdash too since giving tzedaka is a big mitzvah.

‘S’ told Ynet she has medical issues and take 15 pills daily, and her economic reality is a difficult one too. The request to have legal proceedings against her dropped included an accurate picture of her difficult life, but it appears the prosecution cannot excuse this ‘heinous crime’.

Attorney Daniel Merksy is representing ‘S’, explaining for years she davened daily at the Kosel and then she collected a few shekels before heading home. Mersky expresses astonishment over the fact she was actually taken to a police station for her law-breaking activities. He questions the wisdom of prosecuting such a case, wondering if there are not more important cases demanding the system’s attention.

When asked to comment, the prosecutor’s office explains the case is being handled in line with the law for such violations. The statement adds “While the circumstances surrounding the life of the accused are tragic, they are not reason to postpone moving ahead with the case”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. Our citizens are under constant attack & what does the government do? Releases thousands (literally) of Arab terrorists. But here they are throwing the book at a senior citizen who has to resort to begging to support herself and her family. This is nothing short of outrageous. Is there a petition or something that we can sign to stop this? And can’t the Attorney General drop the case? What are these people thinking????

  2. A government that has enough money to support terrorists and their families, would be better off supporting this woman who comes collected at the Kosel for a livelihood instead of indicting her in court. What a shame!

  3. When I go to the Kosel I look for such women to give tzeddaka to. After all if we go the wall to ask Hashem for things, we should be giving tzeddaka to merit Hashem’s giving to us.

  4. Totally implausible as described. There must be a lot more to this than what’s reported here.

    There are some mentally ill solicitors who harass (and even curse) mispallelim. That could explain why the authorities took strong steps to stop this person. Whatever the case, it’s probably assur to believe the story as reported.

  5. There are nicer choices of words to describe this unfortunate neshama other than “schnorrer”. Don’t you agree?

  6. The country is becoming more and more a Police State, not unlike Soviet Russia, with an extra obsession in prosecuting the Chareidim. How great were our Gedolim when they expressed their Daas Torah opposing the establishing of the Zionist State! Without Torah the law system is criminal.

  7. come on, because some one believes she makes 25 shekels a day? Any schnorrer does better than that in half hour.

    And she is depressed? Does that give her reason to drive others nutty?

  8. #6, YES, I absolutely agree! That was the first thing that I noticed. Isn’t it enough that she has to lower herself in shame in order to beg for a few pennies to feed her family? Shame on YW!

  9. Widows and the poor are the people of HaShem. Starting up with them is very dangerous and UNJUST. If the case is as you reported, then the people in the government should stop. Otherwise ,they will pay very dearly for their wickedness.

  10. As a general rule, the security forces are operating under instructions for “zero tolerance” for such “schnorrers” and others who violate basic quality of life laws. In such cases, they are offering violators such as this woman with options for job training in no-skill/low skill jobs so they can earn a parnassah and not have to beg for handouts. Aside from posing a security concern (terrorists have disguised themselves as beggars at some locations where people congregate), these schnorrers harass locals and tourists at a makom kadosh and take away from the sanctity and dignity of the location.

  11. Schnorrer is a dreadful term. Please don’t use it.

    The kosel became a much poorer place when they outlawed aniyim and tzedokah collectors.

  12. We don’t have all the facts about this woman. However,my understanding is that about 2 years ago, the Kotel rabbi forbade collecting AT the Kotel itself, but it’s permitted to do so up to the barrier in the plaza.
    As happened to me afew years ago, the second I arrived at the Kotel and started to daven, I was immediately set upon by collectors, as were others. We pray for so may things, want to have a little kavana, don’t want to be interrupted for a few minutes.
    While I feel bad for collectors, and their situations may be dire, I doubt if there’s any siyata d’Shmaya if you interrupt somebody else’s tfilah.
    The same goes for shul collecting. Interrupting, talking, and showing signed certificates to daveners is not right. I’m not a rav, but I’ll say there’s a great chance of little hatzlacha when collecting in this manner.
    I remember that the gabbai a”h at the Yeshurun Synagogue , Yerushalayim, , some 6-7 years ago, forbade collecting until after chazarat ha’Shatz .
    While feeling sorry for collectors,we should also feel sorry for daveners who may have very serious problems in life , are asking Hashem for help, and they too deserve to sympathy.
    Ring a bell? It could be all of us at some points in life. Let the rabbonim figure out a way for people to get their tzedakah, but without bashing in on someone else’s tfilos- so many with tears.

  13. #13: And why do you think G-d actually enjoys it when you pray? Maybe he enjoys it more when you perform such a great mitzvah. if tzdaka is matzil mmoves, saves from death, then you certainly won’t miss out by giving out a few quarters (or shekels). Do you really have such a high level of concentration when you pray? have some pity — without people like you giving out a small Change, these people will starve.

  14. mr. magoo____

    You absolutely don’t get it.

    I sure hope & PRAY you should never have to pray for an emergency or crisis for yourself or family.
    Don’t worry about my “quarters.”, or my “concentration.”
    How about the 2 individuals weeping out loud at the Kotel at either side of me and hurting about something.
    How about THEIR concentration???
    Eh, you don’t believe G-D actually enjoys it when one prays. Mr. magoo, huh???

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