Shiva Asar B’Tammuz Program Of Inspiration – Sunday, July 24th Streaming Live Here On Yeshiva World

CaptureTorah Connections, a Flatbush-based group will offer an awesome series of four chizuk lectures to the public on the fast day of Shiva Asar B’Tammuz, this coming Sunday, July 24 th at the Yeshiva of Brooklyn (Boys Division), 1200 Ocean Parkway on the corner of Avenue L.

The program will focus on the challenge of “Finding Meaning in the Three Weeks” from Shiva Asar B’Tammuz through Tisha B’Av when the Jewish nation mourns the destruction of our Batei Mikdash and other related national tragedies such as the Crusades and Churban Europe.

The Kinos will begin with a talk at 3 P.M. by Rabbi Avrohom Schorr, the Rav of Beis Medrash Nezer Gedalyahu in Flatbush. Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky, internationally renowned speaker from Yerushalayim will offer his insights at 4 P.M. At 5 P.M. Rabbi Mordechai Becher, Senior Lecturer at Gateways will address the audience on how to make the Three Weeks more meaningful. Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman, Rav of Congregation Ahavas Yisroel in Passaic will deliver divrei chizuk at 6 P.M. The program will conclude with Mincha and participants are requested to bring their own siddurim.

The program is open to men and women with separate seating. An elevator is available and admission is $10 per person regardless of how many lectures one comes for. There will be a maximum charge of $25 per any one family. Torah Connections will also be organizing its Annual Tisha B’Av Program also at the same Yeshiva of Brooklyn location on Motzei Shabbos, August 13 and Sunday, August 14.

The Program will be broadcast live here on YeshivahWolrd. The online broadcast is sponsored in part by Hindy and Kevin Chorney and Mr. and Mrs. Simcha Ezra Valberg.

For more information please visit

This program and the upcoming Tisha B’av program are made possible by generous sponsorships and donations. To become a partner in these endeavors, please call (718) 998-5822 or visit the donation page at

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