Greenfield Announces Repaving of Brooklyn’s Worst Streets This Summer

pavCouncilman David G. Greenfield is thrilled to announce an ambitious summer street repaving schedule throughout Borough Park, Midwood and Bensonhurst. Greenfield secured $200,000 in additional funds in both last year’s and this year’s city budget for these crucial road work projects. Repaving is one of the most popular improvements to the district and consistently ranks high among residents’ priorities as expressed in the annual participatory budgeting process.

“Smoother streets are safer streets. Every year I work with the Department of Transportation (DOT) and add extra funds to the budget to ensure that streets in my district are prioritized for resurfacing. Further, I am thrilled that the DOT took our suggestion of repaving Borough Park, Midwood and Bensonhurst streets during the summer months when many residents are out of town and school is not in session. That means less congestion on our local roads,” said Councilman Greenfield.

“Our community’s streets get a lot of use and need a lot of attention. I sincerely appreciate Councilman Greenfield making them a priority in the city budget and give thanks also to DOT for understanding the importance of repaving during July and August when there are fewer cars on our roads,” said Community Board 12 Chair Yidel Perlstein.

Greenfield asks that residents please be aware of temporary “No Parking” signs that are posted by the DOT right before work is set to begin. Parked cars will need to relocate so that resurfacing can happen. Residents who have any questions about should call Councilman Greenfield’s office at (718) 853 2704.

Every year the Department of Transportation repaves certain roads throughout different community boards. Councilman Greenfield has worked closely with the DOT and our local Community Boards to improve safety and traffic flow along streets through the installation of traffic lights,street lights, stop signs and speed bumps when needed.

Greenfield places a priority on advocating for drivers in Brooklyn. Councilman Greenfield’s muni-meter legislation, which allows drivers to pre-pay muni-meters one hour before the meter regulations took effect last year. That law also makes meters shut off and not accept payment when the driver is not required to pay for parking or when a muni-meter runs out of the paper required to print muni-meter tickets.

Finally, all of this important work is scheduled for the summer months when schools are closed and many people are away on vacation. This way paving causes the least possible inconvenience for drivers and is fresh and ready to make commutes easier and safer for all once the school year begins.

The full list of streets to be repaved in Greenfield’s district is below:

15 Avenue between Dahill Road and 45 Street and between 54 Street and 61 Street
19 Avenue between 47 Street and 53 Street
53 Street between 16 Avenue and 21 Avenue
55 Street between New Utrecht and 17 Avenue
56 Street between Fort Hamilton Parkway and 18 Avenue
58 Street between 8 Avenue and New Utrecht Avenue.
Ocean Parkway between Ditmas Avenue and Elmwood Avenue
East 2 Street between Avenue J and Bay Parkway and between Avenue M and Avenue P
East 3 Street between Foster Avenue and Bay Parkway and between Avenue M and Avenue P
East 12 Street between Avenue L and Avenue P
East 17 Street between Avenue H and Avenue P
East 19 Street between Avenue L and Avenue P

(YWN Desk – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Is it possible to have the work done on days when Alternate side is not in effect? It seems that DOT always chooses the days when there Alternate. For example, if ASP is in effect on Monday and Tuesday can they do the work on Wed, Thurs, or Friday?

  2. Councilman Greenfield and CB12 Chair Perlstein: Are you not aware of the local roller coaster known as 50th street. The scheduled repaving has nothing to do with your alleged advocacy; rather its based on DOT’s cycle of repaving.

    If you want to get credit, have 50th street finally corrected and get rid of the mounds of garbage and illegal dumping all over boro park.

    Sorry, that would entail some work on your parts.

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