Dismantled 4×4 Discovered Among Auto Parts At Kerem Shalom Crossing Enroute To Gaza

5 áéðåàø 2009àøáòéí åúùò îùàéåú åáäï 1119 èåï ùì ñçåøåú äåòáøå äéåí (á') ãøê îòáø "ëøí ùìåí" àì úåê øöåòú òæä. ÷îç, öéåã øôåàé åúøåôåú äéå ø÷ çì÷ îäîåöøéí ùäåòáøå áçñåú àøâåðéí áéï-ìàåîééí åîãéðåú ùåðåú ëâåï: àåðø"à (ñåëðåú äñòã åäùé÷åí ùì äàåîåú äîàåçãåúOn Wednesday 7 Tammuz, at the Kerem Shalom Crossing point, Ministry of Defense Crossing Authority officials, in collaboration with the Shin Bet stopped an Israeli pull-trailer transporting a large shipment of spare auto parts on its way to Gaza.

The trailer aroused the suspicion of officials and closer inspection revealed a 4×4 pickup dismantled into ten parts. It was deconstructed in a way to facilitate reassembly, even including packages of screws. The unearthed vehicle is a favorite of Hamas’ military wing and is often used by its operatives.

The parts were confiscated and an investigation has been launched to locate those involved and responsible.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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