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Aveilus in Sussia Following the Death of Baby Left in a Vehicle in Arad

suThe atmosphere in Sussia is one of aveilus following the tragedy, the death of a baby forgotten in a vehicle in Arad on Tuesday 6 Tammuz. The infant who died in the vehicle R”L was Bar Horowitz from the S. Hebron Hills community, a daughter of Natan and Avital and a granddaughter of Danny and Adina Weiss, residents of the same community.

The couple whose child died R”L has another child, Tzion, three-years-old. The grandmother is an instructor of teachers. The mother is a social worker employed in the Arad employment center, which is adjacent to where the grandmother left the car with the baby inside.

Police report the grandmother drove her daughter to work in the morning and she was then supposed to take the baby to daycare but forget she was in the rear of the vehicle. When they came to pick her up she was found lifeless in the vehicle on Palmach Street.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Why are you publicizing the names of this family?? Does the family need more grief than they already have? I simply don’t understand on what halachic basis you are writing all the details!

    Am I the only one who thinks this is a abhorrent?

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