WATCH: Rabbi Lander Rosh Yeshiva of Ohr Hachaim in Queens on Stop The Talking in Shul

3 Responses

  1. A study shows, that by Davening in the weekdays, or when a few people are on a trip and Daven together in a hotel lobby Biyichudis, there is No Talking going on.
    The problem is Shabbos morning in Shul, where all the Mi-Shebeirachs and Aliyos brought ugly social politics into all the Shuls, and we lost all our inspiration.

  2. 2.

    Nice try.
    Studies? Which? Where? You’re CLEARLY making that up!!!

    Perhaps shabbos davening is harder because the children who talked in shul grew up? Perhaps shuls should give meds to some adults so they would SHUT UP in shul?

    My shul has about 10 people that talk excessively and some loudly out of 100 or more mispalelim. THEY’RE RUINING IT FOR EVERYONE BUT ALAS THEY DON’T GIVE A HOOT. Whenever when one of them BH isn’t in shul, it is quite noticeable.

    When I’m not davening that they find their way, I find myself davening that they get laryngitis!

    It’s an epidemic in some shuls!!

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