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Finally: Sanders Endorses Clinton For President

hilsaBernie Sanders is at last endorsing Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee for president.

The Vermont senator stood side-by-side with Clinton in Portsmouth, N.H., Tuesday. He pledged that his “political revolution” would continue. But he acknowledged that she, and not he, had won the delegates to snag the nomination. That has been true for weeks, and Democrats have not-so-quietly been angling for him to drop out and endorse the former secretary of state.

Sanders promised to work to help Clinton win in November, calling her “far and away the best candidate” to confront challenges facing the country.

Republican Donald Trump has been trying to draw Sanders supporters to his campaign.


5 Responses

  1. A few weeks ago this meshigana self-hating Yid Sanders proclaimed that “Hillary is not fit to be President” and also accused Hillary of all sorts of corrupt acts.

    Now he endorses her?

    I hope the voters see the sheker in these politicians.

    I am voting for Trump.

  2. Yes, and call me a member of that Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, but out of the blue Suha Arafat says she supports Israel and condemns Chamas. Well, well, well, Hillary, you can now say you really knew that about her all along. You were no fool when you planted that kiss on her cheek lo those many years ago, then, were you, you holy prophetess and future leader the likes of which we have not seen since George Washington! (insert devil emoticon here)- Hillary’s memo to self today: “Check email to make sure you deleted the message to Suha about making that announcement…and send her that little gift you promised her.”

  3. Trump is a low life menuvel, as much and more a liar than hillary, and a thief to boot. He IS going to court for fraud whereas the highest law enforcement agency in the land says for all the egregious mistakes, there is nothing to indict hillary on.

  4. rt, after reading your comment above, I don’t think you will be voting for Donald Trump. My guess is that you will be voting for Hillary. I would even guess that you voted for the current president, Barack Hussein Obama, not once but twice.

    rt, (really troubled), I am dissapointed that your liberalism is more important to you than your Judaism and nothing can change your mind.

    Remember, liberalism is a mental disorder. Refuah Shelaimo.

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