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Tiveria’s Religious Community Plans To Protest Municipal Pool Operating On Shabbos

1The chareidi and dati leumi communities in Tiveria are cooperating on the matter of the municipal pool operating on Shabbos.

Representatives of the communities last week together with rabbonim met in the home of the mora d’asra of Tiveria, HaGaon HaRav Avraham Dov Auerbach Shlita to discuss the opening of the pool in the Shikun Daled neighborhood. Those present report the rav broke down in tears when hearing of the chilul Shabbos, stating one cannot know where these actions will lead.

Rav Auerbach explained that during the tenure of the previous mayor eight years ago, Mayor Zohar Oveid planned a cable car that would have brought thousands of tourists as it was going to operate on Shabbos and protests resulted in preventing a more hostile program by the city.

The rabbonim signed a proclamation prohibiting residents from supporting the pool, even on weekdays, and the decision was made to protest on Shabbos near the pool.

The mayor last week stated the pool will operate for those who want to take advantage but there would not be music on Shabbos. He added that those who feel it is not permitted should stay away.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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