Am Yisroel Gearing Up For All Kinds Of Kindness



By: L. Halevi

The Jewish nation has kindness in their DNA. It isn’t just something we do (and we do it on a big scale!) and it isn’t just something we believe in, it is part and parcel of our very character; Chesed pulsates in our blood and is ceaselessly beating in our hearts. Modern day Chesed initiatives abound, each with their own unique twist, but one common denominator is that those who are involved from the inside as well as those who support them from without, carry it as a badge of Jewish pride.

There are so many communal organizations that are devoted to kindness, and each in their own right is unique and worthy of our support. Be it an organization that alleviates financial strain or one that lifts the spirits of the ill, be it an organization that assists wayward souls or one that tasks itself with caring for deceased ones, the altruistic activities of these organizations – local, regional, national or global – deserve our support and deserve our being there for them as they are there for those amongst us that they help virtually 24/7.

The conundrum, however, is figuring out which particular organizations to choose as the recipients of our sometimes limited Tzedaka dollars. Each one has merit and each one fills a void that must be filled by the community, and thus are acting as our representatives. Yes, it is sometimes very hard to decide which Chesed organization takes precedence over another.

Kindness Main Banner

On July 12, 2016, a unique and important Charidy campaign will take place that will in many ways alleviate this conundrum, and hopefully alleviate a lot of the financial stress experienced by so many wonderful Chesed organizations. Dubbed “A Day of Chesed Giving”, this campaign will dedicate 24 hours exclusively to raise funds for an alliance of organizations from cities around the globe, with causes that run the gamut from Bikur Cholim to Hachnosas Kallah, from Chesed Shel Emes to Tzorchei Shabbos and everything in between. All in all, the goal of this day of giving – which is cleverly employing the Hashtag #AllKindsOfKindness – is to raise a significant sum of money which will collectively be used for one purpose: Chesed.

As with previous Charidy campaigns, its success will be reliant on the generosity and involvement of the individual members of Jewish communities from around the world. Every dollar donated will be matched by 3 benevolent matchers, ensuring that the power of every donation is quadrupled.

Will this campaign be a success? Judging by the indefatigable Chesed spirit of Klal Yisroel, Gomlei Chasadim bnei Gomlei Chasadim, it sure seems positive that a successful outcome will be achieved.

Mi K’Amcha Yisroel!

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To get involved or to volunteer, please contact [email protected]


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