Obama Explains Not Talking About Comey Decision

comeyPresident Barack Obama says he’s avoiding getting into specifics about the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server because he considers it inappropriate to second guess or comment extensively on the decisions that FBI Director James Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch made.

Obama is speaking in Madrid after meeting with Spain’s acting prime minister. Obama is cutting his first visit to Spain a day short because of a series of deadly shootings in the U.S.

Obama says he is concerned however about how the government in general handles sensitive information. Some of the improvement that is needed will come from better systems, but much of it will come through more training of government employees, from the very top to lower staff.


3 Responses

  1. the only word that would best describe obama’s comment of “being inappropriate to second guess or comment” w/re to Hillary’s email investigation would be the word HYPOCRITICAL. i specifically remember obama himself commenting that she had no intent to harm anyone and this comment was done before the FBI investigation was done. hey, obama, i thought it was “inapprpriate”!

  2. Obama I understand you feel like a fool now but the truth you were and you are still… And not because you are black it’s because you don’t use common sense especially when it touches your dignity.. Even to the point were you put Americans at risk …

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