Police Chief Confirms: Dallas Suspect Said He ‘Wanted To Kill Whites’; Not Sure All Suspects Caught

dal3Police Chief David Brown says a suspect in the overnight attack that killed five police officers, wounded seven others and wounded two civilians said he was upset over the recent police shootings of black men and wanted to kill white people.

Brown said at a news conference Friday that the suspect made the comments before he was killed by an explosive used by police.

He says his department and their families are grieving and that the divisiveness between police and the public must stop.

Authorities say snipers opened fire on police officers during a peaceful protest in downtown Dallas Thursday night over the recent fatal shootings of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota.

Authorities say three other suspects were arrested.

Police Chief David Brown also said that they are still not certain that they have identified everyone involved in the attack.

Brown said Friday that investigators have not ruled out that others may have been involved in the attacks that left a total of 12 officers and two civilians shot.

Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings says an overnight standoff with one suspect in a parking garage ended when police detonated an explosive about four hours after the attack began. Authorities say the explosive was attached to a robot to protect officers.

Brown would not reveal any details about other potential suspects that have been detained by police and interviewed.


8 Responses

  1. The left will blame guns (as if criminals and terrorists ever had a problem getting guns, or would willingly obey gun laws and take up stabbing instead). I suspect most Americans will see a connection to the “Black lives matter” movement, which the politically correct embrace and that those who hold that “all lives matter” and “Blue lives matter” will turn against Obama (who spoke out against the police earlier in the day) and towards Trump. The “PC” declared open season on police, and someone listened and took up the cause, and it sure looks that the left’s incitement against the police will be coming back to haunt them.

  2. #1 is right, blaming guns is like blaming alcohol or cars for drunk driving it takes the HUMAN out of the equation.

  3. So there you have it. It has always been about race when it comes to Democrats.

    This is a dream come true for Obama & Holder. It was THEY who poisoned the water with their inflammatory race hustling. Their divide and conquer race baiting techniques have set race relations in this country, back 100 years. When Obama invited Sharpten to the White House to be his adviser on race, I knew it was over. Obama who loves to comment on every white officer who kills a black thug, still has NOT commented on the road rage killing that took place here in Brooklyn. The reason is because the cop who murdered the unarmed black motorist was a black and that doesn’t fit the profile. Obama has still not made any comment about the black on black murder that takes place on the streets of Chicago EVERY day. No speeches about gun control. No criticizing the Mayor who is his buddy. No comment about the rising black on black murder in Baltimore. Obama is a dangerous phony thru and thru. Vote for Hillary and you’ll get more of the same.

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