Rabbinical Conference For Peace Calls On PM Netanyahu To Declare A State Of Emergency And Temporarily Suspend Basic Rights

1Following a special meeting of The Administrative Committee of the Rabbinical Congress for Peace, the rabbis issued a call to the Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his government to declare a state of emergency.

There are times when a nation is confronted with war and terrorist insurgence that threaten the security and lives of its citizens. In such cases, international law acknowledges the curtailment of certain basic rights as a proactive response.

The Rabbis lamented the fact that that past year has been one of in which innocent Israeli’s have been stabbed, shot and killed by their enemies, with little or no effective response from the Israeli government.

According to Orach Chaim 329 (as well as international law) the sanctity of life takes precedence over all else, to the extent that one is not only permitted but is obligated to desecrate the Shabbos and pick up arms to repel the enemy from entering your town.

Therefore, the Rabbis called on the Israeli government to

1) The imposition of a complete three-month closure on all towns and villages from where terrorists came to kill Jews, as well as other economic sanctions.

2) Since the Israeli media justifies and backs (overtly or by insinuation) terrorist activity, making it the equivalent of a “fifth column” in Israel that encourages our enemies, the government should therefore temporarily impose a complete censorship on radio and TV for the period of several months. There is no doubt that without the support of the Israeli leftist-controlled media, terrorist activity would substantially decrease.

The rabbis reiterated their call to the government to unequivocally declare the annulment of the Oslo agreements, a copy of which should be publically torn up in the Knesset. The government should also allow unlimited construction in all parts of Israel. Hesitating on these obvious measures is tantamount to the encouragement of terrorism by the government itself.

The rabbis are crying out and beseeching the Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, government ministers and members of the Knesset to recognize that this is “a time of trouble for Yaakov!” The Torah’s prediction of the grievous consequences of transferring Israeli territory to its enemies is being actualized before our very eyes.

Come to your senses and heed the instruction of the Torah, and stop the further shedding of innocent blood, which continues unabated.

It is only by following the Torah – the Torah of Life – that the wave of terror can be stopped, and the Jewish people can experience true peace and tranquility in their land. You can prove this for yourself by heeding its words!

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. This is fanaticism. It would yield little to no change, severely damaged Israel’s Democratic character, and would do horrible damage to Israel’s public image. Nothing could be more foolish and damaging to Israel’s public image. Period.

  2. Under Israeli law, that would require the Kenesset. In 1949, Ben Gurion wanted such powers which the British governor had, but he Kenesset almost imediately abolished the power of the executive to make laws with legislative approval.

  3. Very strange call for the equivalent of martial law with a mix of pseudo references to daas torah mixed with highly flawed national security arguments. A good reason why matter of halacha should be left to the rabbonim and matters of national security should be left to the generals and intelligence experts. This mismmash of nationalistic arguments with advocacy of violations of basic human rights would not serve to enhance the security of EY one iota.

  4. #5 I haven’t heard you say this when the secular court meddles into religious affairs – and they do some quite often?

    If the secular court who have no expertise in religious institutions can interfere, so can our gedolim give advice to the secular government who at least give intelligent advice and have siyata dishmaya.

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