BDE: Miki (Michoel) Mark HY’D Is Victim Killed By Palestinian Terrorists; Leaves Behind 10 Children

terrMurdered in the attack between Otniel and Beit Chaggai, in the Southern Hebron Hills area. was Miki (Michoel) Mark HY”D, who was the director of the Otniel Hesder Yeshiva.

He was a resident of the community, and father of ten children.

His wife, Chava Rochel bas Ayelet HaSHachar is fighting for her life.

Two children injured are Tehilla bas Chava Rochel, and Pedaiya Menachem ben Chava Rochel.

Sources tell YWN that his his mother, who resides in Katamon, is an American Citizen. His father is no longer alive. It is unknown if Miki is an American Citizen as well.

The mother of Chava (the wife who is fighting for her life) is a grandmother of Yehonadav Herschfeld HY”D, one of the boys murdered in the Mercaz HaRav terror attack.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. The gemara is Taanit says that if we fail to feel the pain of our brethren, then we will suffer too.. It’s nice to go away to cottages and have fireworks, but maybe have one less thing this weekend, and feel the pain of our yidden.

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t bother most people unless it happens to them, or close to them.

    Things are going to get worse before they get better…

    Baruch Dayan Emes.

  2. BD”E ! AD MOSAI!!!! What is Natanyahu and Lieberman doing about this??? FYI-He is American – if his mother is American!!!

  3. Mickey was one of the most wonderful people. We should only know of good things and someone should finish off all the terrorists once and for all.

  4. why are these individuals still roaming the earth. Under normal leadership these monsters would be sent straight to heaven to get their reward.

  5. lieberman is full of bs
    they all talk big
    till they get in to office
    then once they get what they want , they tell the people to
    kush ah bear

  6. Look it bothers us in the USA a lot! We are one familt.And WE will be giving more tsedaka than the locals for the orphans. But for heavens sake move out of the borders to central locations. Your idealism and so called patriotism keeps you glued to your kitchen in dangerous areas. Enough of you being mafkir your offspring your own zerah for the sake of yshuv haaretz. From someone Very very saddened waether in Monticello or NYC

  7. #2 and #8: How dare you accuse yidden in America of being callous and insensitive to the matzav in e’y? Yes, we are going on with our lives – as is the tzibur in e’y – but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t crying with the families that are in aveilus and with our brethren who are in a matzav of sakana!

    Spare us your “psak” as to how you expect us to show aveilus. We turn to our morei horaah for that, not to anonymous posters on Internet blogs.

    But as long as you think that advising others is ok, here is my advice to you for a kabbalah to empathize with those who have been struck by tragedy. Work on your middah of diyun l’kav zechus since you seem lacking in that area. After all, we lost the bais hamikdosh because of sinas chinam and judging other unfavorably isn’t the way to bring it back!

  8. #8, and I am sure you say Tikkun Chatzos every night, fast every day, wear sack cloth and immerse yourself in study and prayer all day in the merit of protecting our brethren. Please stop being a phony. Life needs to go on as it does in Israel.

  9. # 2 You got it half right. Things will only get worse they NEVER get better. Where in the past 20 years did you actually feel or believe that things are getting better. Look around you and open your eyes. The world population in 1994 increased from 5.7 Billion to 7.6 Billion currently. That’s almost an increase of 2 Billion people. That’s an increase of 2 Billion more problems on top of the existing 5.7B. The world will implode soon.

    #9 Learn out to spell.

  10. #8 is right on the money.
    Let at least one person decide to not pig out on something, or, how about some people deciding to cancel their heilege July 4th barbecue to show solidarity and ״עמו אנכי בצרה״ with the families of the victims.
    It’s not such a difficult concept.
    Let’s see some commitments in the comments below.

  11. True. Maybe we should hold back a bit from our enjoyments when we hear about a tragedy. The bigger issue is our brothers and sisters in Israel don’t take to the streets and protest their wholesale slaughter!!!! Instead they go back to yeshiva- university- tel aviv cafes- work- beach etc. They protest over cottage cheese and over the vague possibility that yeshiva boys will have to sign some forms for the army. I’ve sent countless emails to our papers here and to the Agudah about organizing a mass protest here in America against the slaughter of our brothers and sister in Israel. They haven’t even given me the courtesy of a response….

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