PHOTOS: Kiev: 24 Aliyah Eligibles Completed The First Stage Of Conversion Preparation Course

קבוצה תעודות1

In a ceremony held last weekend in Kiev, participants of the ‘Triguboff Institute’ ‘Maslul’ project marked the completion of the first phase of their studies of the project’s conversion preparation course. The innovative project is destined to assist 24 Eligible Olim from Kiev, who take part in the project’s curriculum and aren’t recognized as Jewish according to the Halacha, to integrate into the Israeli society more easily and quickly, by substantially shortening the duration of the training they must go through in Israel, should they decide to convert to Judaism.

As part of the project’s curriculum, the 24 students of the Kiev group have completed their studies in three units of Jewish studies: “Bible Studies”, “The Jewish calendar”, “Mitzvos” and the Jewish circle of life. Following that, the group will begin their studies of the project’s fourth unit – “History of the Jewish people”.

Rabbi Michael Rosenfeld from ‘The Zionist Midrash’, who together with his wife is part of the project’s teaching staff, talks about the seriousness shown by Olim who partake in the project’s curriculum. “I was pleasantly surprised by their seriousness and the interest they were showing. Some come with a Jewish background while other don’t, but overall you can see how serious they are about this, way over then what was expected. It is very interesting to hear their conversation with one another, where they talk about what it takes to make aliyah. They understand the seriousness of the matter and that is a good thing. An outsider will not always understand what it means.”

His wife Leah, also a teacher in the project, add that “I really enjoy myself, this is such a great group. They sincerely understand what it takes to be Jewish and they allow themselves to stop for a minute and think about what it takes to be Jewish. I hear from them how they’re asking themselves what is the essence of being Jewish in Israel and what does it mean, and I truly feel that they internalize what it takes. They ask a lot of questions and are showing great interest. You can see that they really care. From here, we believe that it would be easier for you to successfully graduate the course.”

In addition to the group in Kiev, two other study groups are operating at the ‘Choral’ synagogue Jewish community center in Moscow, in which a total of 36 students eligible for Aliyah are studying. Students of the two Moscow groups have recently finished their studies of the “Bible” and “History of the Jewish people” units as well, soon joining the Kiev group in finishing the first phase of the project’s curriculum. The project has expanded recently to the city of Dnepropetrovsk, where earlier this month another study group was established as part of the project, consisting of 16 students eligible for aliyah, with another group set to be established later. Next week, the new group is scheduled to complete their studies of the first unit in “Bible studies”.

The ‘Maslul’ project offers the Olim a solution by using the relatively calm time period they are in, between their decision to make aliyah and its execution. The project was established in order to allow olim who according to the ‘Law of Return are eligible to make aliyah to better utilize the time period in which they are still in their countries of origin and accumulate study hours towards their conversion in Israel.

The ‘Maslul’ project is another initiative of the ‘Triguboff Institute’, founded by Jewish-Australian businessman, Harry Oscar Triguboff, who was recently declared Australia’s wealthiest man. The Institute aims, amongst other things, to regulate the personal status of the FSU olim in Israel. The project is done in cooperation with the Jewish Agency. As part of this cooperation, Jewish Agency coordinators are locating suitable candidates to the program and coordinate them to the project’s offices in the various cities in which it operates. Furthermore, the project is done in full coordination with the ‘State conversion program’ in Israel – the ‘National Institute for Identity and Conversion’ conversion program. The project’s local partners are the ‘Zionist Midrash’ in Kiev, the ‘Menorah’ Jewish community center in Dnepropetrovsk and the Jewish community of the ‘Choral’ synagogue in Moscow.

Shalom Norman, Director of the ‘Triguboff Institute’ add that “The successful completion of the first stage of the project is a joyous event for us since it will ease the olim’s process of aliyah and integration into the Israeli society. We are hopeful that the next stages will also be completed successfully and that these olim would be able to fully integrate in Israel and feel an inseparable part of it. The ‘Maslul’ project is considered one of the most significant tools today, regarding the assistance in the absorption of the FSU olim. We will continue to put an effort into expanding the project and allow more olim to see themselves as an integral part of the Jewish collective.”

Photos: The completion of the first stage ceremony in Kiev.

שיעור סוף יחידת מעגל החיים שיעור סוף יחידה 3קבוצה תעודות לאה מלמדת חלוקת תעודות2 חלוקת תעודות1 חלוקת תעודות

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photos, ‘Maslul’ Project)

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