Chareidim Oppose MK Zohar’s Shabbos Law

1MK (Likud) Miki Zohar stands behind a bill dubbed the Shabbos Law, which would permit limited bus service on Shabbos with many conditions.

Zohar is understood to be coming from a good place, albeit confused in the eyes of chareidi lawmakers. He feels that by granting limited permission for “10% chilul Shabbos we can prevent 90% chilul Shabbos” as he puts it.

Zohar’s bill would permit a local authority/city operate limited Shabbos bus service in non-religious areas. These buses would have to be driven by non-Jews and payment would be after Shabbos. Zohar told Kol Chai Radio’s Mordechai Lavi these conditions limit the chilul Shabbos from a halachic perspective.

Zohar warns something has to be done because the current so-called religious status quo is breaking apart, being challenged in a number of municipalities.

His bill also calls for finding stores operating illegally on Shabbos, a fine that would greatly exceed the amount of money a store earned by opening. Currently, many stores are willing to pay the fine, which they simply deduct from their profits but Zohar’s formula ensures the fine exceeds a store’s earnings.

MK Yisrael Eichler

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook did not want to take part in dedication of Hebrew university fearing kefira would be taught. The rav was told if he attends it would not be taught. He attended and it was taught and this is our lesson.

The lesson is we cannot trust religious legislation in the country, even as well-intended as this one since there will not be enforcement. I told Zohar in this case the law does not include enforcement measures.

Kol Chai

Let’s be practical – he is working to limit Chilul Shabbos since this is the trend.


The law is simply legislative anarchy. It cannot and will not be enforced and untimely, the chilul Shabbos will be worse.

Kol Chai

Perhaps we are religious Jews have a halachic requirement to act to limit chilul Shabbos as much as we can.


This was the case 50 years ago but we had to permit buses on Shabbos in Haifa. They did not and to this day there are no buses in Haifa on Shabbos.

I am sorrow but you do not fully understand the law, which also permits some stores to remain open to permit people to shop. Zohar first started with a law that supported enforcing today’s law. They almost killed him and then he began amending it but it is not something the chareidim can back.

His intentions are good. He is young and full of good intentions but we cannot and will not back something that will ultimately lead to more chilul Shabbos.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. There should be no bus service on Shabbos. If there is an emergency that’s what Hatzolah is for. Bus service will just be another reason chas v Shalom we will be driven out the land

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