GRAPHIC PHOTOS: The World Is Silent As A 13-Year-Old Jewish Girl Is Stabbed In Her Bed By Bloodthirsty 17-Year-Old Palestinian Terrorist


Some of these images are highly disturbing. But the world is silent and we must not be. Don’t expect to see these graphic images in the mainstream media.

They are reminiscent of the Fogel Family massacre in Itamar, when a family was brutally murdered in their home by Palestinian terrorists.

While the world is quick to condemn the attacks in Orlando and Istanbul, the world remains silent when an innocent 13-year-old girl is stabbed to death in her bedroom by a 17-year-old Palestinian terrorist.

Rest assured, the media will call this “workplace violence”, or warped and twisted headlines will appear.

Do not just read this and feel the pain but pass it along. Demand a condemnation from your leaders! Contact your local media outlets around the globe.

The silence is deafening and a moral stand must replace political correctness!


Some people have questioned Yeshiva World News’ decision to post these horrifying photos YWN is aware that the photos are graphic, which is why YWN consults its Rabbinic advisor whenever questions come up. The postings fit into one of three categories: 1] Do not post at all 2] Post with a warning of Viewer Discretion 3] Post with no caveat of Viewer Discretion.

In this situation, we were instructed to pursue the Geulah attack as a category 2. The rationale for the decision is two-fold:

1. Firstly, our ability to empathize and to be noseh b’ol chaveiro with our brethren in Eretz Yisroel is determined by actual seeing. There is a world of a difference between merely hearing about tragedies, and actually seeing what Klal Yisroel is going through. The Maharsha explains that Moshe Rabbeinu did not throw down and break the luchos until he actually had witnessed the hashchasa of Klal Yisroel in the Chait HaAigel. This is true even though Moshe had heard about what they had done from Hashem Himself.

Our Posaik believes that we should be empathizing with our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel much more than we are doing now.

There is a halacha that one should not engage in P’ru uR’vu when there is a famine elsewhere. In Megilas Rus, Elimelech and his sons, Gedolei Olam, were punished because they did not empathize with their brethren in Eretz Yisroel. The Seforno explains that even Yitzchok Avinu needed to place Rivkah Imeinu in a position next to him, in order to empathize with her more so that he could more effectively daven for her to have children.

In a world steeped in gashmius and mosros – we could use a nudge to ensure that we are davening day and night for the victims of these horrific attacks as well as the safety of Klal Yisroel.

2. Secondly, the Jewish media is now the default go-to source of the secular media in matters that pertain to Eretz Yisroel. When the secular media and the secular government pick up on the material that the Jewish media posts, it has far-reaching ramifications. The government of Eretz Yisroel now needs more political support then ever in order to accomplish true protection. Askanim have told us of how invaluable this information actually is to their work.

The truth is that whenever decisions are made, some people are positively affected and some negatively. It would be incorrect for a parent to show the video to a very sensitive child. On the other hand, we should see it, and we should cry and daven. Moshe Rabbeinu himself had done this Mitzvah when he went among his brethren as the Pasuk tells us, “Vayar b’sivlosam.”

It should be noted, that the same decision was made when publishing the images of the horrific attack in Har Nof.

Hashem yevaraich es amo vaShalom.

– YWN Staff.

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36 Responses

  1. When are you going to hear from the lefties about the terrorist (alleged perpetrator)who wasn’t given a fair trial

  2. Baruch Dayan Emes.. and Aaron was silent…Hashgacha pratise I just learned this gemara in Taanis regarding being nosei Bol when other yidden are suffering….

    Let her death be a kapara for the baseless sinas chinam and toxic pervasive atmosphere we have created.

  3. BDH,the only way to stop these killers from killing Jews.(1)
    kill the murderer (2)do not turn over his body to his family(3) destroy the murderer family home and (4)deport the murderer entire family to Gaza.

  4. YWN- Forgive my rant, but it hurts. You’re absolutely correct that we should daven more for the safety of Klal Yisroel. Hence, it’s a disgrace that most frum shuls never make the Mi Shebeirach for EY at Torah readings. There are several versions, and if you don’t agree with some texts, then make your own. Say even one Tehillim chapter betzibbur before or after davening on a DAILY basis and announce why it’s being said. Look at old machzorim and see the prayers for the emperors, kings & queens, Fran Josef & Czarina Katerina for example, and we can’t daven a little for our Jewish brethren in EY? What a shame. Excuses, excuses. Why wait till tragedy strikes R”L? Where is the frumkeit? Where is the ehrlichkeit? How many of you said Tehillim this week for the residents of EY? We go to shiyurim galore, but no shiyur of empathizing and davening for our brothers, sisters and children. Now come the 3 weeks; is it going to be business as usual? Where are the rabbonim to teach this to the masses ? Or is it only about Daf Yomi?
    Rabboisei ! Es Brent !

  5. The story is actually being reported widely by many of the regular media (NY Time, Washington Post, Reuters, UPI, Associated Press, etc. etc.).

  6. How can one not cry upon hearing this? This is a tzara for gantz Kllal Yisroel. The tzibbur should keep this in mind as they busy themselves with their summer plans. We can’t have business as usual. May HKBH continue to watch over us and protect us.

  7. I send this or similar to “Our” Agudah which “takes care” of all our issues. I send it the 3rd time already. Think they even respond?

    I encourage more of to write to them and to all our media outlets.

    Dear Agudath Israel,
    Why aren’t we going out into the Streets B’achdus and day Tehillim and demand from the world leaders to condemn and warn Mahmoud Abbas and the other leaders of world sanctions if the killings of our brothers and sisters don’t stop?

    Can we only go out in the thousands in the streets of lower Manhattan to demonstrate when it comes to protest our own Israeli brothers? Or Internet or such. Couldn’t we say Tehillim in our shuls then?

    It’s a chilul hashem to sit quiet now while the blood of our brothers and sisters spill in the streets and in their beds!


  8. If the Zionists stopped trading Jew killers and killed the terrorists this would be less often not totally eliminated.

  9. You all forget- we are in galus. This is a terrible tragedy- rachmana litzlan! But that’s it- only Hashem can save us. We can’t expect more from the world media- eisav sonei es yaakov, and that’s really for all time- don’t let yourselves be fooled.

  10. You really think the world cares when Jewish blood is spilled??
    Where have you been for the last 2,000 years???
    They world will never care!!
    Wake up and smell the coffee!!

    Is that what we’re want for the world to carefully and save us??

    We need to Daven to Hashem and do teshuva!!

  11. ZionGate:
    The prayer to which you refer is not for “Eretz Yisrael” but rather for the heretical State of Israel. That prayer, obviously, has no business being stated anywhere, especially in a shul. But something like saying Tehillim for our brethren, whether in E”Y or elsewhere, is certainly a nice thing.

  12. As predicted by the gedolim, the mainstream media (as representatives of goyim in general) essentially take the position that the Zionists had no business invading Eretz Yisrael and upsetting the Arabs and that, therefore, the Zionists are at fault for anything the Arabs do to innocent Jews in E”Y.

    I highly doubt the secular media care what YWN’s editorial opinion is regarding Arab savagery and Zionism in general, and, presumably, the only ones impacted by showing these pictures are Jews.

    As the Brisker Rav pointed out to the Chzaon Ish, if people would only understand that the State was and is a gizeirah raah (and beg Hashem for the geulah) then Hashem will remove that gizeirah raah and bring the geulah, biVias Goel Tzedek bb”A.

  13. to you ZionGate did you read the shemoneh esrey today? did it not say “vli’yirushalayim ircha”? “visechezenah eyneynu”? the czar is not mentioned in the tefillah of teh anshey kenesses hagidolah so we had to invent something new for him. our siddur is full of requests for shalom, and to be saved from our enemies. Maybe we should stop dreading the long tachanun of monday and thursday and say that with real feeling if we worry for achaynu beney yisroel in eretz yisroel and elsewhere.

  14. HaKatan:
    The prayer was instituted by
    the Sephardic and Ashkenazic Chief Rabbis of the newly formed State of Israel, respectively Rabbis Ben-Zion Meir Hai Uziel and Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog.You’re too small hakatan))to command us where it has business to be said, so it’s not obvious at all. There are other versions if you don’t like theirs, or say Tehillim every day.
    And I’m so gladdened that you think it’s a ” NICE thing” to say Tehillim for our brethren, who by the are flesh and blood Jews but for whom you could care a fig.
    This “heretical” state is the repository of millions of Torah families, and has more yeshivos than anywhere in the world. It certainly isn’t worse than in the days of Achov when there wasn̓t a single lawn in all of Israel that did not have an idol on it ( Sanhedrin),yet his armies were always victorious.
    Anyway, hakatan, it WOULD be Nice if you tell us that you said a katankeh Tehillim for them and feel their pain rather than pitty-putty quibble about this or that prayer..

  15. The media has reported it.

    For a look at the thoughts of the typical NY Times reader reading the article, look at the comments.

    Here’s one of them:

    Very sad story, but a little perspective, please. Israelis have been engaged in a non-stop attack on every sphere of Palestinian life for decades, all the while justifying their savagery as security. Is it really so surprising that on occasion the hopeless rage of an individual Palestinian spills over in inchoate despair and violence? At the end of the day, it is Israel and Zionism that is the aggressor, occupier and ethnic cleanser.

    And there’s plenty more. Rationalizing, justifying, and minimizing.

    Hashem yishmor.

  16. NOW is the time to insist from Hillary and Donald WHAT THEY WILL DO REGARDING YEARS OF PALESTINIAN OFFICIAL INDOCTRINATION TO HATE AND INCITEMENT AND GLORIFICATION OF KILLERS OF JEWS by naming streets after them and calling the killers martryrs and PAYING THEM IN JAILS. Hussein Obama just keeps PAying the PA annually. What will HILLARY and DONALD do about it? Try Facebook , Twitter, (filtered :)) or calling and faxing. If NOT Who Else Is TO Blame for Nothing Being Done

  17. BDE it’s so painful to see a another cold blooded murder of a beautiful soul young girl from achinu bnei yisroel.

    THank you YWN for posting the pictures, they are not SO graphic as others think, the scumbag arabs show much worse images of their dead in gaza. the world need to see this too.

    I would like to take a moment and clarify something most people aren’t aware of, and that is understanding our enemy, and how to deal with them. We face an enemy that is rooted and based on religion, islam,ideology, belief, preaching and brainwashing. islam teaches violence and fighting for a cause in the name and for the sake of their allah, and they get rewarded in the afterlife that they believe in after they die. For them, killing a jew or any other infidel is simply a mitsva the way we understand a mitsva is lehavdil elef havdalous ben hatomeh latahor, (just like we have a mitsva to kill any perosn who is from amalek for example), they learn that from when they are young, in schools,in text books, homes, mosques and society, it’s their religion, beliefs and way of life. they all love and yearn to die for a cause, they all WANT to die, just like what today’s despicable animal wrote on facebook that it’s a privilege to die, they’re not going to die for nothing obviously, they want to die for a cause like killing people and whatever they consider a mitsva, they are willing to blow themselves up for their causes. mothers want their kids to grow up to be martyrs , a boy grows up wanting to be like a brother or a cousin who also became a martyr. this is a fact we have to know about our enemy. With this being the fact, how do we stop them? threatening them with death and killing them is not a deterrence, they don’t care to die. also, so many people say that we should kill the terrorist after committing his terrorist act instead of just neutralizing him, i think this is coming out of our anger which is rightly so, we are angry and want to rip him to pieces, but we don’t gain anything from it, the murder was done, what does killing him serve us? it’s the opposite, we giving them what they want and fulfill their mission which is to die after going out to do a cause, so by keeping them alive is actually bad for them because they know they failed, they didn’t go to the afterlife they waited for, so it is better in a sense to keep them alive. So the question is how we stop them? we can’t! we can’t expect the world to go out and condemn abbas for this, because for them it’s a mitsva, it’s part of their life to die for a cause and be a martyr to kill a jew, it’s like asking them to be not who they are, it’s who they are, that’s what islam teaches, you can’t change that. We can’t eaither start rounding up hundred of thousands of Palestinian youths just because they write on facebook that they want to die for a cause, it’s all over facebook, they all write these comments and likes on the videos they post and watch, they proud of it, they dance when they hear it, it’s part of their life, and unfortunately they all live amongst us, they all over israel wherever you go, you can’t get rid of them, it’s not as easy as people think. the only solution would be a two state solution, give them an official homeland, and deport all Palestinians to their new state, this way they won’t be able to commit the crimes we keep seeing. without that nothing will prevent them and stop them in a natural way. Of course it goes without saying that we need to do more tshuva, learning and better davening, specially for our brothers in EY, Hashem is our only answer. Let’s all daven that we never hear of any more tragedies like this again.

  18. Yerushalmi:
    Ein Huchi Nami ! Let’s absolutely say the tanchum with kavanah and not avoid it. It’s replete with heartfelt tfilot and in detail about our suffering.
    To HaKatan of #16:
    You haven’t yet accepted the fact that H”B”H gave us the state al pi ness, and was and is supported by many tzaddikim ( Of course not the secular part of it). The growth of this tiny country among the millions of wolves, among the radical secular leftists, among the frum anti-Israel extremists, is nissim begului for all to see.
    It’s obsolete to bring earlier rabbonim who were against it over and over again ad nauseum, because the Hashgacha ruled otherwise, and Aliyah is growing B”H from everywhere. Those of who who keep feeding us rabbonim and others who opposed the medinah are living on another planet. If on this day of a murdered Jewish teen you prattle about the “gezeira ra” R”L and how it should be replaced , raises questions about you. It’s forever immaterial who opposed it, deal rather with blooming reality. Which brings up the fact of lack of substantial frum immigration years ago which could have had an enormous spiritual impact. You’re wasting time crying over spilt milk. So what’s with Tehillim, are you going to say it?

  19. ZionGate:
    Your attempted defense of this heretical prayer ignores that the gedolim never agreed to this (in particular, nor to the State in general) and refuse to this day to say this “prayer”, of course.
    Your assertion that “are flesh and blood Jews but for whom you could care a fig” is disgusting and also very wrong.
    Your comparison of this heretical and idolatrous Zionist State of Israel, which the gedolim warned against in the severest terms, to the reign of Achav, is absurd.
    Your bottom line of calling this a “quibble” seems to indicate that you view matters of idolatry and heresy as a mere quibble.
    In other words, you are a “Religious Zionist” whose faith is, unfortunately, fundamentally different from Torah Judaism as practiced from Moshe Rabbeinu until today.

  20. Hey, maybe there is some truth to the fact that the zionists have from day one always been the aggressors and treated the Palestinians like garbage. There’s no doubt that the Palestinians are bloodthirsty people and murderers with zero value of life and humanity but you can’t deny the fact that there’s something that’s triggering their behavior. Years ago when the Jews we’re living under the sultan of Turkey there was peace and no terror. It’s when these zionists came about and decided to “rush up״ the geulah that all this started…

  21. Terrorists’ body should be hung in the center of gaza for all the animals to see what happens to ruthless murderers

  22. Kneidel, the Kool Aid drinking conspiracy theorist:
    So the Zionists basically invented anti-Semitism.

    How about the fanatical Muslims who invaded and ruled Spain that chased the Rambam and other away. How about Muslim rule in Eretz Yisroel over the last 1200 years where the Jewish settlers there suffered greatly . True, the Christian invaders oppressed the Jews , and many times the Muslims were treating them better, but most times not. Remember the 7th step to the Mearas Hamachpelah? Read your history, and read the history of Yemenite Jews BEFORE Zionism.You guys are so obsessed with Zionists that you can’t think straight. Eisov Soneh LeYakov is eons old only because the R”SH”OLAM chose us to give the Torah, be His people and gave us our holy land. So the battles Jews had with the Pelishtim, Amorites, etc during times of Tanach were caused by Jewish behavior. Consequently, they should have all left EY and settled elsewhere. Unfortunately ,very apropos of this week’s Shlach portion. Everything you guys bring up has a grey beard already, The meraglim were bigger talmidei chachamim than you, and apparently, bigger conspiracy theorists than you. Been there, done that.

  23. Yes, HaKatan: I am proudly a religious Zionist.
    Now,as for you, I DO appreciate that you wrote that it would be “NICE” to say Tehillim. No, HaKatan, YOUR faith is different. H”B”H set in motion an incredible set of events reviving in glorious and miraculous ways the re-establishment of the Jewish State, with or without the approval of those opposed. HE waited and prodded, but alas, mostly the secular heard the thump, halevei the frum did too. Too bad. We await Moshiach now with the building of homes all over EY so that those who love the land will come settle in it bechavod, and the land yields its wondrous fruit and crops so that Millions of us will have what to eat and rejoice, and the Beis Hamikash when it’s built. As for those who hate it, make excuses, quote this gadol or that opinion, well………

  24. Addendum:
    It’s not the topic now, but it should be emphasized that many Rabbonim supported the creation of the State, if not at the beginning, then certainly post facto. It’s important to point this out, since we’re always treated to the same anti_Zionis names ad nauseum.

  25. to #25 i feel so sorry for your hater that you have towards your brothers and sisters the Zionist.Based on the love that you have towards the Palestinians ,YOU SHOULD MOVED WITH THEM .

  26. I challenge YESHIVAWORLD EDITORS to contact Hillary and Donald and ask if they would like to share what they would do regarding Palestinian ongoing open incitement and glorification of killers of Jews by the Palestinian Authority as opposed to just condemnation.

  27. My take (please don’t attack me):
    – giving the “palestinian” arabs Azah wasn’t enough
    – providing them with free water and electricity wasn’t enough
    – allowing them to build illegally in Yerushalayim, Yehudah, and Shomron almost unimpeded and giving them autonomy in these areas isn’t enough
    What will be enough?
    Some basic history:
    Israeli wars against Arabs were defensive
    The UN vote to accept the partitioning of the land for both Jews and Arabs – the Jews accepted, the Arabs attacked
    Every offer of a 2-state solutuion made by masochistic Israeli governments was rejected
    But this is all history…
    Now that there are KNHR, Kein Yirbu, approximately 6 million Jews living in E”Y including Rav Shteinman and Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, what is to be done?
    Ship the six million to Germany? Because the “palestinian” arabs from the get-go never wanted peace with the palestinian Jews – they wanted it all and they still do. And their religion encourages subjegating (sp?) or murdering all infidels, those that don’t believe in allah. Persuing peace among Israelis and Palestinians is delusional.
    The Ottoman Empire wasn’t an idyllic tekufah for Jews in E”Y by far. Since the Churban, living in E”Y today has been the closest to “idyllic” that it has been and obviously it’s still very very far from ideal – we need to Daven for E”Y and dare I say move to E”Y (with Daas Torah approval) to show Hakaras Hatov to Hashem and our longing for the return of the Shechinah.

  28. Zion gate According to the agudas yisroel of America ” the organization they spread the learning of daf yomi in America we should all be saying Perek 83 130 142 every day for the zchus of our dear brothers and sisters in eretz yisroel The ribono shel olam should help everyone personally affected and the rest of Klal yisroel that we should have the koach to withstand another terrible tragedy

  29. i heard it that HaShem punishes the entire Klal Yisrael for the unfortunate misguided deeds of a few …. that is why we are in golus for the past 2000 years … and numerous events that are anti-halachic in Israel and abroad are continuing to create tragedies for us …. if HaShem punishes the entire Jewish nation for the mistakes of a few … maybe Israel should take His lead and do the same …. in my opinion Israel needs to punish the entire ‘palestinian’ people for the actions of these lone killers …. destroying the killer’s family home and not permitting his family members to get work permits is nothing ….. the entire ethnic group has to go …. out of Israel …..out of Hevron, Gaza, the west bank ….. we are instructed to emulate HaShem ….. it is time to emulate Him in this manner, as well …..

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