Leaders Of Chareidi Parties Meet With PM Netanyahu To Discuss Egalitarian Prayer Area Near The Kosel

koselThe heads of chareidi parties in Knesset met with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Wednesday, 23 Sivan to discuss the arrangement pertaining to the egalitarian prayer area near the Kosel. The chareidim told PM Netanyahu they will not accept any arrangement that includes any measure of acceptance of either the Reform or Conservative Movements.

Alternatively, the Reform and Conservative Movements, which contribute a great deal of money to the State of Israel, are using their influence and pressuring Mr. Netanyahu for recognition in light of events in recent months. They are no longer willing to accept their unrecognized status by state’s religious institutions and are demanding a change in the religious status quo.

Health Minister Yaakov Litzman may have said it best, announcing Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu must choose between chareidim in Israel [in the coalition] or the Reform in the Diaspora.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Did the author of this article do any fact-checking? What is the source of his claim that “the Reform and Conservative Movements … contribute a great deal of money to the State of Israel”.

    Most members of these movements are apathetic toward Israel at best, hostile to Israel at worst – and the movements are rapidly shrinking into oblivion, per the authoritative Pew Report.

    These facts need to be the centerpiece of our kehilla’s efforts to get Netanyahu to ignore the Reform and Conservative loudmouths entirely.

  2. Why does this new Judaism think it is so important to pray at this ancient wall? I think they are very confused.

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