Trump Gets Rock-Bottom Ratings In International Survey

1A new multi-nation survey finds that confidence in Donald Trump’s ability to manage foreign policy should he become U.S. president is rock-bottom in a host of countries in Europe and Asia.

In seven of 15 countries outside of the U.S. polled by Pew Research Center, Trump’s ratings are in the single digits. Large majorities in 11 of the countries have little or no confidence in the prospective Republican presidential nominee ability to manage international affairs. That includes 92 percent of Swedes, 89 percent of Germans and 82 percent of Japanese.

He polls best in China, where there is a split between 40 percent who have no confidence in Trump and 39 percent who do not offer an opinion. Trump, who has advocated trade protectionism and temporarily banning Muslims from entering the United States, records his highest ratings in Europe among supporters of political parties that are anti-immigration or oppose European integration. But even among those poll respondents, his confidence ratings remains below one-third.

The survey, which examines international attitudes toward the U.S., gauged opinions from 20,132 people in Canada, the U.S., 10 nations in Europe and four in the Asia-Pacific between April 4 and May 29.

Hillary Clinton fares much better. A median of 59 percent in Europe have confidence in the Democratic contender — compared with just 9 percent for Trump. She also gets positive marks in Canada, Australia and Japan, although views are mixed in China, where 37 percent say they have confidence in Clinton and 35 percent say they do not.

Pew said that in many of the countries where polling trends were available, views of former secretary of state have improved significantly since 2008 when she was running for the Democratic nomination against Barack Obama. She shows double-digit increases in Japan, Britain, Germany and China.

But her ratings today are still lower than Obama’s. In all countries surveyed other than Greece, half or more of those polled express confidence in the U.S. president. That includes more than 80 percent in Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, France and Australia.

The survey found that the standing of the United States as the world’s leading economic power has recovered since the 2008 global financial crisis. As China’s once-astronomical growth rates have slowed, the percentage of Europeans naming China as the leading economic power have declined.

China’s favorability ratings have also declined since last year in six of the 11 nations where trends are available, Pew said.

The countries surveyed were Canada, the U.S., Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, France, Britain, Spain, Greece, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Australia, Japan, China and India. The margin of error varies among the countries, but ranges between 3.2 and 4.7 percentage points.


17 Responses

  1. 1. Who cares what foreigners think?

    2. Foreign perceptions are based on their own mass media, which tend to be very much to the left (e.g. in many countries, Obama and Sanders and Clinton would be considered “moderate” rather than far-left wingers).

  2. To #3:

    I consider Clinton and more “Republican” than TRump.

    She is more hawkish, pro-Wall Street and pro-Free Trade than than the RINO Trump would ever be.

  3. thats how u know that
    trump is the better choice

    in parts of russia there was no chsidesha rov
    so chsedim did not have who to ask .. so they asked a misnagid
    rov and did fargaret

  4. The world sees him for what he really is a plain money hungry,attention seeking incompetent liar. Says he will self fund – now he grovels for $10 donations. Says he wouldn’t use a Tele promoter now uses it anytime he has to say something important and stay on message. The man is a vulgar fraud and it is sad that some people actually fall for his childish antics.

  5. to crazy one #8

    RE:”is a plain money hungry,attention seeking incompetent liar” sounds like Hillary to me.

  6. “I consider Clinton and more “Republican” than TRump.

    She is more hawkish, pro-Wall Street and pro-Free Trade than than the RINO Trump would ever be.”

    This is correct, although the Hillaryhaters here are so brainwashed that they are now incapable of seeing that. She (and Obama) are really more like Nixon Republicans.

  7. I was waiting for the day iran syria russia china etc will be scared to mess with the U.S once again. Dream come true Trump 2016

  8. The only socialist country mentioned in the article is China. Unless of course you include the U.S., where 50m people subsist on government food stamps.

  9. Sarah try France and most of Europe read a book Sarah socialized medicine four day work week mandated by government.

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