Michigan to Reimburse Private Schools for State Mandates; Agudath Israel of America applauds Governor And Legislature

AgudahWith the signing of Senate Bill 801 today, Michigan became the fourth state to reimburse private schools for the state mandates they are required to fulfill. The education budget bill included $2.5 million to reimburse nonpublic schools for the forty-four mandates related to the health, safety, and welfare of their students. The multi-year effort was led by the Michigan Catholic Conference and the Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools, who were joined by Agudath Israel of America and other nonpublic school advocates.

Agudath Israel of America’s national director of state relations, Rabbi A. D. Motzen, praised the bi-partisan effort that resulted in the new funding. “Agudath Israel, and the Jewish school families it represents, applauds the Michigan Legislature and Governor Rick Snyder for recognizing that the health and safety of a private school student is no less important than that of a child who attends a traditional public school.”


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