Rav Yitzchak Yosef on Yesh Atid And Yayin Nesach

YYosefIn his motzei Shabbos shiur broadcast on Kol Chai Radio, Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Shlita discussed the inyan of ‘yayin nesach’, explaining if one who is publicly mechalel Shabbos and is distant from Yiddishkheit touches non-mevushal wine, that wine becomes prohibited. As an example, the Rishon L’Tzion cited “one voting for the Yesh Atid party”.

He added that there are wineries that have non-mevushal quality wine like Golan Winery, which he stated is “high quality and one may recite Borei Pri HaGefen”.

Rav Yosef warned that if a non-frum person, one who never davens, one who publicly defiles Shabbos, לא דין ולא דיין, one who votes for Yesh Atid touches this wine, one may no longer make kiddush on it for it becomes stam yeinam”.

“NOTE: Rav Yosef used the term “yayin nesach” even though he did not state specifically the wine was used for idolatrous libation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. Sometimes he reminds me of Donald Trump. He will say something completely outrageous that he certainly knows will enrage many. I also suspect that, like Trump, to a large extent he says these things davka because they are so outrageous. Of course R’ Yosef is a much more refined individual, but this part of his public personality reminds me of some similarities….

  2. To M: that’s ridiculous! If you understand the Hebrew, listen to it. He was giving over a Halacha shiur and said as a joke, as an example of a מחלל שבת בפרהסיה , for example someone who voted for Yesh Atid. That’s called a little joke. The fact that you compared him to the retarded גוי running for president is crazy and you should be ashamed. He knows more than you will ever know and it’s OK for him to say something funny he doesn’t need to think that YWN is genna make a big deal out of it .ps, On Kol chai Radio 93fm.com they reported that he said you can’t drink from wine that a Yesh Atid voter touched, which is completely false. I’m glad YWN didn’t make the same mistake. But the media will be the media

  3. #2 The Brisker Rav, Rabbi Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik, (in Pninei Hagriz) said, he knows 3 things about anyone concerned only about ahavas yisroel: He is a sonei Hashem, a sonei Torah and hates erliche yidden. How true! Baduk umenusah!

  4. #1 How can you put Trump and lehavdel a tzaddik in the same sentence? Where’s your respect to Gedolai Yisrael? Trying to water it down by saying R’ Yosef or Moshe Rabbenu or the Rambam is of course much more refined does not make your comment very refined. And yes, the truth of Hashem’s Torah and His halachos can hurt. Too bad for the sinners and b”H for our Gedolim, the true leaders of klal yisrael, who say what they should.

  5. to 1 and 2. Your comments amaze me. That is the halacha. Rav Yosef did not make it up. This is the reason that one can buy yayin mevushal . If you have guests that are not shomer Shabbos, or if you have a goy working for you, you can’t let them touch your wine so you buy, or boil it yourself in advance, and they do not have to know anything at all and you have no problems with the wine.

    There is no “rechikah” here at all. All those who work in kiruv serve yayin mevushal. The guests don’t know that it is mevushal, nobody says a word. Do you think that violating the halacha will be mekoreiv more people?

    M- You really owe Rav Yosef an apology. He is a real Talmid Chacham and answers questions that he asked in his halacha shiur. There is nothing “davka” in his psak. Reform and Conservative change halacha, but the Orthodox do not.

    KIruv: I actually know a boy, from a shomer Shabbos family, who became a mechalil Shabbos. At one point he was invited to his frum aunt and uncle and when he saw that this uncle wouldn’t let him touch his wine, he was so shocked into reality, realized how low he had fallen, and immediately started keeping Shabbos again.

  6. This was a terrible translation and interpretation of the Rav’s words. For those who speak Hebrew fluently the Rav was clearly giving examples of how to identify a non-religious person and was saying if a person for example breaks shabbos in public, doesn’t daven ever, votes for yesh atid it is yayin nesach” He was only making it clear to identify a chiloni not meaning to say if a shomer shabbos votes for yesh atid it is yayin nesach (although that person is extremely misconstrued) and no I am not sephardi, just telling the truth.

  7. BRAVO Rav Yosef!
    at least there is someone out there that doesn’t feel that everything he says has to be politically correct!

  8. The “note” about the term “yayin nesach” was not warranted. The rov knew very well what he was saying. First he clearly said “stam yeinam” and afterwards he explained that it is [what is commonly called] “yayin nesach”, i.e. yayin nesach drabonon.

  9. The position of Rishon Lezion is a civil service position, if an exalted one. Civil servants are required not to insult citizens and certainly not their political affiliations. Just recently, Sha”s tried to bar the appointment of Rami Sadan to the position of the chairman of the board of directors of channel 10 because he had allegedly insulted Sha”s voters (as it turned out, the report was false and he hadn’t).

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