BDE: Zlotchev Rebbe In Bnei Brak Suffers Fatal Heart Attack Just Before Shabbos

zlThe Zlotchev Rebbe, Hagaon HaRav Mordechai Meir Michelovitz, was suddenly Niftar after R”L suffering a massive heart attack on Friday afternoon. He was 61-years-old.

Photos (attached above) were taken of the Rebbe just two hours earlier as he walked back from the store where he went to purchase things Likovid Shabbos.

Known to be a Tazdik with humility, without Gabboyim or fanfare, the Rebbe walked to the store, returned home, and moments later suffered a fatal heart attack at his home located at 17 Rav Aron Kotler Street in Bnei Brak.

Magen David Adom attempted to save his life, but were sadly unsuccessful.

The Rebbe was born in Netanya and studied as a Bochur under Harav HaRav Shmuel Halevi Wosner ZATZAL in Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin.

He was known to accept Yidden of all walks of life, and treated them all with love – it didn’t matter if they were Ahkenaz, Sefard, or even not Frum.

He was a son in law of the Kaliver Rebbe.

His Rebbitzen was Niftar just a few months ago.

He is survived by an only child – a son.

The Levaya was to take place before Shabbos.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

3 Responses

  1. The son-in-law of the Kaliver Rebbe of Williamsburg perhaps. I belive the Kaliver of Eretz Yisroel has no children.

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