Family Pleads for Missing Estranged Mom to Return Home

4Police are continuing the search for the missing mother of seven who disappeared in northern Israel on Monday, 14 Sivan. The 50-year-old former chareidi woman left her frum lifestyle about eight years ago and with the exception of one daughter, she has been cut off from the family, which is affiliated with the Gerre Chassidus.

Esti Weinstein, a resident of Yishuv Azur, was last seen in the north on Monday. She let a letter signaling her despondent state of mind and that she was contemplating suicide.

Relatives of Esti are pained and concerned, and have turned to the media with the following message. “The family is willing to renew ties and change everything”.

One daughter, Tami, who remained in touch with her, was in contact until the disappearance. She spoke with Rafi Reshelf of Channel 10 News on Wednesday 16 Sivan, seeking to send a plea to her mom to return home.

Tami reports that among the letters left behind by her mom was a will, adding she left the religious lifestyle when her mother did, remaining at her side. All ties with the others were cut off.

Tami adds her mother was driving a black Hyundai license number 51-562-37. Anyone with information should call the police ‘100’ emergency number.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. So they didn’t care about her all the years but now they wake up? Suddenly ahavas yisroel is a concern, or is the concern the approbation that will fall on Ger if chas v’shalom anything untoward happens to this Yiddishe neshoma. People move in different directions in life. Rarely will ostracising someone work to bring them back if they turn off the well trodden path of mitzvos. We spend endless time and money trying to show those who have not yet discovered its beauty, the regal majesty of a life of Torah and Mitzvos so why do some think that driving those who are temporarily disturbed out of the fold is such a choshuve mitzva?

  2. #1 hershel2626 – You’ve done absolutely no research on her and her situation. You know nothing more than vague information stated on News websites and yet you feel that you are qualified to pass judgement in this case. That does not reflect well on you.

    Perhaps instead of foolishly pointing fingers and looking at people with negative eyes why don’t you take out a tehillim and start davening for her and her family. Leave her private life to her and her family to work out.

  3. Seems a little too late? They reject her all these years, sever all ties and treat her like a disease. Obviously, that will drive her to suicidal thoughts, and sadly, it is too late. We see this all too often with those who go off the derech. Her blood is on the hands of those who rejected her at the first sign of a strand of hair peaking out of her snood.

  4. @Hershel

    you make a very good point, but why do you think she was temporarily disturbed. Maybe she just did not believe in the frum lifestyle anymore?

    There is this fallacy that people who leave the frum community are mentally ill. That’s a crock and more in line with a cult mentality.

  5. To the previous poster;
    Please don’t comment abt ahavas Yisroel. We don’t know what they meant by What was said since it was put out there for this woman to understand. We do not know the dynamics involved and it’s unfair to comment about someone else’s tzar. This is the last thing these ppl need at a time like this.

  6. #4 ModernGuy – Your comment implies that you have written her off as dead already. If I understood you correctly that’s a horrible thing to say!!!

  7. Hershel, your ignorance of the English language makes your posting amusing. Look up the definition of approbation.

  8. No one wakes up and decides to go off the derech; it slowly builds up from things that bother the inner self until it reaches a head and suddenly the person just snaps and quits.

    It COULD be that she had issues that were being ignored and swept under in hopes that what ever yet the reality never did change.

    It is a shame that in some frum circles that concern to protect the external image that is projected to the community is more important than dealing with individual problems.

  9. Hello Esti! If you’re reading this, then please reach out to me! I’ve been in your situation. I know how it feels! I can relate to you!
    Please do so, before it’s too late…

    Wish you all the best!

  10. I cannot believe how quick you are to judge her and her family, shame on you all.I would like to know why they don’t have an updated picture of her,she looks quite young in the picture posted. May the four winds blow her safely home.

  11. mdd – and where exactly in Shulcan Aruch does it state that any Mother not frum has no right to her children.

    She has NO status of a Meshumades, Mumar leHachis etc.

  12. This Shabbos is exactly 100 days left until Rosh haShono, so time for everyone of us to do our own introspection, and back off from judging anyone else.

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