Mezuzzah Affixed At Felder’s New Boro Park Office; New, Extended Office Hours


Senator Simcha Felder’s new Boro Park location was the scene for celebration on Sunday as HaRav Yitzchok Stein, the Faltcheiner Dayan, affixed a mezuzah and the Senator greeted well-wishers for a l’chaim.

“Constituents are invited to visit our Boro Park office which is now more centrally located for their convenience,” said Senator Felder. “We’ve also extended our office hours so everyone has a greater opportunity to come in.”

Senator Felder’s new Boro Park office, which is managed by R’ Herzka Grunfeld, is located in the heart of Boro Park at the corner of 16th Avenue and 47th Street. Office hours have been expanded to include Sundays from 12:00-3:00 and late hours on Wednesday, when the office is open from 9:00-8:00. The Boro Park office # is 718-484-3216.


(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. As long as we can still affix a mezuza to an office paid for by government funds. The day will come where someone will challenge that in court.

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