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Turkey And Israel About To Announce A Resumption Of Diplomatic Relations

1Turkey and Israel will in the coming days announced a resumption of diplomatic ties after the two countries split following the Israel Navy commando raid on the deck of the Marvi Marmara, which tried to break the Israeli marine blockade on Gaza. A number of Turkish nationals were killed on board, leading to the break of the former staunch allies six years ago.

There have been recent reports of behind-the-scenes talks and diplomatic probing as the countries seek to restore ties. At one point, Turkey and Israel routinely cooperated and took part in joint military exercises and of course, commerce.

According to Turkish media reports, part of the deal to announce normalized ties today includes Israel permitting the completion of a hospital in Gaza in addition to the construction of a power station and water distillation plant.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Yawn.
    Every few weeks, the news media tells us that Israel and Turkey are “close to an agreement”.
    Weeks go by without anything, and then another news report that an agreement is “close”.
    Wake me up when it’s here.

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