Israel Foreign Ministry Reacts To EU Foreign Ministers’ Statement Backing French Peace Summit

1Despite Israel’s objections to the French peace summit initiative, the foreign ministers of the European Union, 28 in number, on Monday announced their backing for the French initiative. The EU foreign ministers’ statement read “Both parties to the conflict need to demonstrate, through policies and actions, a genuine commitment to a peaceful solution in order to rebuild mutual trust and create conditions for direct and meaningful negotiations aiming at ending the occupation that began in 1967, and resolving all permanent status issues.”

In response to their announcement Israel’s Foreign Ministry released the following statement.

“Peace with the Palestinians will only be achieved through direct, bilateral negotiations with no preconditions.

“International conferences like the one welcomed by the European Council today (20 June) drive peace further away by allowing the Palestinians to continue avoiding both direct negotiations and compromise.

“This is a regrettable step backwards in the pursuit of peace to which Israel remains fully committed”.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu responded to the French initiative explaining that only direct talks between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) will achieve peace, stating “Any other diplomatic initiative distances the Palestinians from direct negotiations”.

However, France remains undeterred and while it postponed the summit, it did not cancel it and Paris appears to be moving forward despite Israel’s objections.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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