Learn and Earn at Jerusalem College of technology

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When I enter the large Beis Medrash in Jerusalem’s Givaat Mordechai neighborhood for 4:00 PM mincha (on almost any given day), I am always happy to see the eclectic crowd that gathers there: Chassidim, Dati Leumi and Yeshivishe Misnagdim all taking a break from their rigorous academic courses to daven together. With all of the media attention surrounding the contentious relationship between the Chareidim and the rest of the Israeli population, it is nice to know that there is at least one place that is devoid of argument, focused instead on pushing forth solutions for Chareidi employment.

That place, of course, is the Jerusalem College of Technology’s Lev Academic Center, previously known as Machon Lev.

Ever since its establishment in 1969, the Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT) has been at the forefront of Israel’s “Learn and Earn” revolution, developing specialized curricula that allow one to earn a parnasa and enhance his learning and avodas Hashem. Prof. Ze’ev Lev, the original force behind JCT, felt that it was crucial to create an academic institution whose first emphasis was on Torah and living the life of a ben torah, but also focused on earning a serious academic degree.

Today, JCT is one of Israel’s most unique and prestigious academic institutions of higher learning with a focus on science and technology. JCT is comprised of four institutes of higher learning on three campuses with over 8,000 students studying towards advanced academic degrees in technology, high-tech, engineering, business, industrial management, life sciences, and numerous other specialties.

The emphasis of Torah is palpable in the beautiful and vibrant Beis Medrash led by one of the leading poskim, Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg. Eli Ribowsky, a former student in the international school explained that JCT was the perfect fit for him because “the classes only begin at 1:30 PM to ensure that all students are able to have a full morning seder.” In the same vein, there are a number of programs that only have classes scheduled in the evenings to allow for a full day of learning. The three-year business program operates on a condensed schedule that allows students to spend only two afternoons a week on campus.

“No other program like this exists in Israel, offering serious bochrim the opportunity to stay in Israel to complete undergraduate studies at a very high level. And at just $3,650 per year, the program is attractive and affordable for those busy preparing themselves for their next stage of life,” explains Stuart Herskowitz, the senior advisor to the president of JCT.

“Mention the name JCT within the intelligence world, specifically in the Israeli army and immediately there will be a sense of awe. Over 10% of the elite Intelligence Corps ‘Cyber Soldier’ Unit are JCT alumni. The electro-optic ‘eye’ for the Arrow Missile Project was developed by alumni for the Israeli army, who then helped the US develop a similar technology,” noted Profesor Chaim Sukenik, the President of JCT. “JCT is the leading developer of Israeli defense technologies and their contributions to the field are virtually endless.”

In addition to supplying highly skilled, professional graduates to the high-tech industry in Israel and around the world, JCT is responsible for initiating major social and financial changes in Israel as well as improving the quality of the country’s security systems. But most importantly, it does all this while placing Torah values above all else.

Find out more about JCT here

Written by Rabbi Adi Isaacs, International Director at Jerusalem College of technology

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