Gafne Credited With Pushing NIS Tens Of Millions For Yeshivos

gafThe Monday, 14 Sivan edition of Yated Neeman applauds the efforts and actions of Moshe Gafne, crediting him with the allocation of NIS tens of millions for yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael. While the funding was a component of the coalition agreement, the actualization of releasing the funds is another matter and Gafne, in his capacity as head of the Knesset Finance Committee is viewed as the driving force behind the funding.

According to Yated, NIS 80 million has been allocated by the cabinet, which voted in favor during the weekly meeting on Sunday, 13 Sivan. In addition to the actual funding, Yated applauds the fact that yet another gezeira set into place by Yair Lapid in the last administration has been eradicated.

Yated also points an accusing finger at the dati leumi Bayit Yehudi party, which viewed itself as a “natural partner” with Lapid in the previous administration and equally responsible for the drastic cuts in funding for chareidi interests.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. just curious
    as where are all the “avreichim ” and “yungermans”
    who sit on the floor in middle of the street and protest when the govt cuts funding to yeshivas

    now thta the govt has restored the funding to prior year levels and its at approx 250m (dollrs)
    where is the thank you parade etc?

  2. #1, the whole reason why the One Above tolerates the existence of this atheistic “Jewish” state is that the few pennies they throw to Torah learners justifies their existence. Would you prefer the money went to Hanan Zoabi?

  3. Yes very interesting discussion about whether or not the govt is obliged to pay yeshivos.

    I’m more interested in how the general chiloni public will react. From their point of view funding was stopped as a direct expression of the will of many voters who voted for yesh otid. I would therefore understand if they view the eradication of this gezeiro in a cynical way. I.e. they’ll say that the chareidim, instead of accepting the fact that many voters and contributors to the states finances don’t want yeshivos to be supported, and making some sort of compromise in recognition of this, instead they simply grabbed as much as they could as soon as the crazy israeli coalition system tipped back in their favour.

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