Trump Now Claims He Never Suggested Arming Club-Goers

trRepublican Donald Trump is now claiming that he never suggested club-goers attacked in the Orlando massacre should have been allowed to be armed.

Trump says on Twitter that he was “obviously talking about additional guards or employees” of the Florida nightclub when he spoke about guns in the venue.

Trump’s point, though, was not so obvious when he made it.

In Atlanta last week, he told a rally crowd: “If some of those great people that were in that club that night had guns strapped to their waist or strapped to their ankle and if the bullets were going in the other direction … you would have had a situation.”

Trump’s new tweet comes after NRA officials said Sunday that people shouldn’t be in nightclubs, drinking and carrying firearms.


5 Responses

  1. The reality is that making it easier for law abiding citizens to have concealed weapons would endanger no one other than criminals and terrorists. No penalty would deter a terrorist since most are prepared to die for their cause. Laws aimed at disarming criminals clearly don’t work. Group retaliation wouldn’t work since most Muslims in the United States (and probably elsewhere) are on “our” side (at least in terms of opposing al Queda and ISIS). Treating anyone who expresses support for alQueda/ISIS might help, and there is legal precedent for arresting those who are sympathetic with the enemy in wartime, which would make it much harder for enemy agents to recruit local terrorists.

  2. The now familiar trump shtick….LIE, get caught, claim you never said what the recordings and video show you said, call everyone else a liar, change your story to sound slightly more rational and move on to the next LIE

  3. “The reality is that making it easier for law abiding citizens to have concealed weapons would endanger no one other than criminals and terrorists.” Really? let’s say just 10 out the several hundred people in the club had weapons and they started shooting, so you think they wouldn’t hit any innocent people at all, and one of those 10 would never make the mistake that the other nine weren’t terrorists and wouldn’t mistakenly shoot them? Dream on…

  4. @rt your comments show you are ignorant or just not too smart, please don’t embarrass yourself any longer, if you dont have anything intelligent to say pls keep quite.

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