Mesorah, Magnificent Sites And Ancient Beauty In One Tour. Tour Budapest, Prague, Pressburg And Hungarian Shtetlach With Rabbi Fischel Schachter

budapest river view[COMMUNICATED CONTENT]

Hurry sign-up for the ultimate summer tour! Travel to Budapest, Prague, Pressburg & Hungarian Shtetlach, with Rabbi Fischel Schachter – Internationally acclaimed lecturer & author. Tour dates: August 17-24, 2016. Tour Geared for couples and adults.

Hear Rabbi Schachter’s riveting and inspiring divrei Torah and powerful stories throughout the tour, and visit famous Hungarian shtetlach. Daven at the keverim of the Maharal, Kli Yakar, R’ Smulke M’Nickolsburg, Chasam Sofer, Ksav Sofer, and other Torah luminaries and learn the fascinating history & mesorah as you travel through famous Jewish communities and historical sites; In Czech we will visit the beautiful Shtetel of Trebic with its original streets and shul. In Hungary visit Satoraljaujhely and daven at the kever of the Yismach Moshe. In Mad we will visit the beautiful restored shul of the Kol Aryeh. In Keresztur (Bodrogkeresztúr), we will see the beis hachaim and the original renovate house of Reb Yeshayale. Recharge as you enjoy nature reserves, walk through Prague’s beautiful streets, Budapest’s skyline by night on the Danube river, and more! Unforgettable Shabbos davening in the Maharal Shul!

Enjoy delicious fresh gourmet Kosher L’Mehadrin cuisine prepared by our fantastic chefs and relax in beautiful luxury hotels!

Ask about our other Summer Tours 2016 – only a few spaces left! Tour with Rav Mosheh Tuvia Lieff, June 30-July 7 th . Tour to Poland & Lithuania with Rav Yissocher Frand and Rabbi Menachem Nissel, July 27- August 4 th.

Contact Nesivos/Jewish Legacy Tour for more details: US: 917-724- 2633 / Israel: 972-54- 654- 1991 / U.K. 44-203- 734-1193 / email: [email protected] /

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