Anti-Trump Groups Among Those Receiving Convention Permits

Donald Trump rallyTwo groups opposed to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump are among the first to receive permits to gather at next month’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Others include the League of Women Voters, which helps immigrants, and a church that opposes homosexuality by picketing soldiers’ funerals. Peace and anti-racism groups also have gotten permits.

Various groups are seeking permits for reasons including to demonstrate, march or stay at a nearby park.

The American Civil Liberties Union is asking a federal judge to clarify the permitting process for the GOP convention that begins July 18. The ACLU filed the request on behalf of Citizens for Trump and other organizations.


2 Responses

  1. Anti-Trump rioting will seriously help Trump, since he’ll be able to say the Democrats are the party of mob violence, and the Republicans are the party of law and order.
    Remember how rioting liberals played a major role in electing Richard Nixon in 1968.

  2. Surprised that the loonys from the Westboro Baptist Church were given a permit. These are the people that picketed at Brooklyn yeshivas a few years ago,

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