VIDEO: Governor Mike Huckabee Addresses The Herzliya Conference – An Outspoken True Friend Of Israel


Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, a staunch backer of Israel, was among the invited guests at the Herzliya Conference in Israel.

The governor explains he first visited Israel in 1973, at the age of 17, and has since had an extraordinary love for Israel, the land and its people, and continue doing what they can for Israel doing good times as well as during difficult times.

He explains “I have seen Biblical prophecy fulfilled as the dry bones have come to life…”

He stated, “Today I recognize that every friend of Israel is a friend of the United States and every enemy of Israel is an enemy of the United States…” adding “The greatest threat to civilization today is the radical Muslim ideology that would take us back to the seventh century and to kill anybody that does not agree with that”.

Mr. Huckabee then detailed his concerns vis-à-vis “radical Islam and the threat it poses to civilization at large, including the things we take for granted”.

Admitting his words are “not politically correct”, he feels the two-state solution “is naïve” for as long as one side does not wish to recognize Israel’s right to exist and continues teaching its children to celebrate the murder of Jews.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. When President Donald Trump finishes his 2nd term in the White House, we need this Governor Mike Huckabee to win 2024 presidential election.

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