Ministry Of The Economy Levies A Stiff Fine On The Bayit Yehudi Party

BennetThe Ministry of the Economy has levied an unprecedented fine of NIS 1.2 million on the Bayit Yehudi party for failing to pay workers and suppliers in a timely fashion during the 2013 national elections. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu serves as the Economy Minister today.

According to the Channel 2 News report on Wednesday 9 Sivan, the dati leumi party failed to comply with the law requiring the payment of a minimum wage for young workers. The ministry has sent letters to Bayit Yehudi leaders informing them of the fines.

The Economy Ministry was in Bayit Yehudi hands following elections, for two years, and then it was run by Shas leader Aryeh Deri. Deri has since left that post to become Interior Minister and PM Netanyahu serves as Minister of the Economy.

Many cases were documented by the media involving young workers during the election and suppliers that were not paid by Bayit Yehudi for about 18 months. One media advisor waited about 18 months for his NIS 30,000. This was likely the result of heavy debt as Bayit Yehudi dropped from 12 seats to 8, and this resulted in a loss of a third of its funding. Making it worse, the party was spending on a level expecting to earn 18 seats, so it was ailing following the elections.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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