CIA: No Connection Between Orlando Terrorist And Any Terror Groups

orlanCIA Director John Brennan says the agency has found no connection between the Orlando gunman and any foreign terrorist organization.

Testifying before the Senate intelligence committee on Thursday, Brennan said the Islamic State will continue to try to inspire lone wolf attacks.

Brennan says he has seen in Orlando, San Bernardino and elsewhere that the group is attempting to inspire attacks by sympathizers who have no direct links to them.

He said, however, that while the CIA is sharing intelligence with the FBI to help identify potential lone-wolf attackers, the agency’s responsibility is to gather information about operations overseas.


3 Responses

  1. sorry this doesnt make us feel safer – it just shows us that they are incompetent. Not only can they not prevent an attack, but they can’t even connect the dots in hind-sight. unbelievable. Time to call Israel for some help.

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